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How the Democrats Match Up among Religious Voters
John Green says Obama gains black Protestant votes, while Clinton reaches white Catholics..
Huckabee Receives Pro-life Vote as McCain Gains Pro-Choice Vote
Amy Black says the pro-life/pro-choice vote is unusual, considering McCain's record.
Huckabee's Surge Muddies Race
Political scientist gives analysis on Huckabee, other candidates.
Give It a Rest, Olsen
Wait, just one more point.
We've Got More, Folks
We just have too many posts.
Cromartie calls Dobson Irresponsible for His Un-dorsement
The vice president at the Ethics and Public Policy Center on Dobson's "wasted vote," McCain's future obstacles, and the "evangelical agenda."
Evangelical Power Failure
Is a split voting bloc worth courting at all?
Updating the Evangelical Exit Poll Chart
The "evangelical vote" varied widely by state.
Richard Land Believes Voting Agenda will Rest on Abortion
A Southern Baptist Convention leader believes pro-life issues will trump others in the fall election.
Must Pro-Huck Mean Anti-Mormon?
Without exit polls, commentator speculates about voter motivations.
Merely OK
Three of four Republicans in Oklahoma call themselves evangelical. But they're not gaga for Huck.
More from Huckabee
Surprise victor across the South tells supporters he'll be in the White House next year.
Is Not Voting a Sin?
James Dobson and other Christian leaders have said so in the past.
Those Missing Evangelical Democrats
Do I repeat myself? Very well then I repeat myself.
Huckabee First to Hit the Stage
Former pastor employs biblical illustrations.
Joel Hunter's Take
Florida pastor believes early results show a shift in evangelical trends.
More on Massachusetts
The Protestant-Catholic split.
Evangelical Republican Voting So Far
Nationally, it's still Huckabee, but not by much.
Barna Survey's Significance
Where will undecided evangelicals turn?

Top Story June 18, 2024

Sunday Best in India: Christian Women Weigh What to Wear to Church
Sunday Best in India: Christian Women Weigh What to Wear to Church
From embracing Western styles to preserving cultural heritage, how female leaders in six states navigate competing perspectives on appropriate attire.

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