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Picturing the New Testament with 499 Line Drawings
Eastern European Bible mission is giving away art for ministry use.
Des évangéliques européens s’organisent contre les abus
Entre formations et lignes d’écoute, les Églises mettent l’accent sur la sécurité et la prévention.
European Evangelicals Organize Against Abuse
From curriculum to call lines, churches focus on safety and prevention.
La lassitude du monde à Gethsémané
Il nous faut accepter que nous n’avons jamais réellement eu le contrôle des choses.
A Revival in America Answered My Prayers for Europe
Look at history! Revivals rarely stay put.
Church Planting After the Fall (of the Berlin Wall)
Three generations after East Germany rejected Christianity, group of prayerful believers now see an opportunity.
Aunque enfrentan desafíos, iglesias chinas en Europa mantienen la mirada en el futuro
Los ministerios están comenzando a pasar la fe a la siguiente generación y a alcanzar gente más allá de su propia comunidad.
A Europa está vivendo um momento pós-cristão ou pré-avivamento?
Como missionária neste “continente pródigo”, compartilho sobre como vejo a plantação de igrejas, o movimento de oração e as igrejas da diáspora fazendo a diferença.
Украина празднует Рождество дважды. Теперь и православные христиане.
Желая отделиться от России и порвать с некоторыми традициями, христианские лидеры Украины позволили перенести празднование с 7 января на 25 декабря.
Україна святкує Різдво двічі. Тепер і православні християни.
Бажаючи відокремитися від Росії й порвати з деякими традиціями, християнські лідери України дозволили перенести святкування з 7 січня на 25 грудня.
A Poet for ‘Bruised Evangelicals’
Malcolm Guite has found himself a sort of tribal elder for younger generations of Christians.
Ukraine Celebrates Christmas Twice. Now Its Orthodox Christians Can Too.
Breaking with tradition, local leaders grant permission to move celebrations from January 7 to December 25, continuing separation from Russia.
Muslims Love Russian Christmas. So Do Eurasia’s Evangelicals.
Christian communities in former Soviet Union nations reap the benefits of still-secularized holiday, winning recognition and opportunities for the gospel.
L’Europe est-elle postchrétienne ou pré-réveil ?
En tant que missionnaire sur ce « continent prodigue », voici comment je vois l’implantation d’Églises, un mouvement de prière et les Églises de la diaspora faire la différence.
Facing Challenges, Chinese Churches in Europe Look to the Future
Ministries are starting to reach out beyond the diaspora community and pass the faith onto the next generation.
Is Europe Post-Christian or Pre-Revival?
As a missionary to this “prodigal continent,” here's how I see church planting, the prayer movement, and diaspora churches making a difference.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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