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Gifts and Growth
A case study
Hearing God's Voice and Obeying His Word
A dialogue with Richard Foster and Henri Nouwen
What I Learned About Rurban Ministry
A pastor on the rural-urban fringe talks about the challenges of pastoring small churches.
A Day in The Life of a Paraclete
The Servants of the Paraclete is a counseling service in St. Louis, Missouri, where priests suffering from burn-out go for guidance.
An Invitation to the Spiritual Life
Through the disciplines of solitude and community, we can begin to remove the many obstacles that prevent us from listening to God's voice.
Haphazardly Intent: An Approach to Pastoring
An interview with Eugene Peterson
Success in Three Churches: Diversity and Originality
Tom Minnery reports on three churches that are radically different from one another, yet successful in light of their view of mission.
Planting Seeds and Watching them Grow
An interview with Dr. Richard C. Halverson
Small Groups: How One Church Does It
A pastor shares a working model of how Christians can build supporting relationships into each other.
Lay Counselling Within The Local Church
Lay counseling accomplishes many things: it involves members in the work of the church, it provides a fulfilling ministry for lay persons, it takes a load off the pastor. It also solves people's problems.
Ted Engstrom shares five books that are helping him in ministry.
Four Philadelphia Churches
It's not church polity and ecclesiology that make churches work. A caring mood, a Spirit-led harmony of purpose, and a spontaneous outreach to the needy world develop unity out of diversity.
Good News about the Religion Page
Although many people in the church can direct the church's publicity program, a religion column is the province of the pastor.
Power to Live
At The Planning Retreat: Discussing First Things First
Howard Hendricks offers some practical suggestions for evaluating local church ministry.
How do you make a large church warm and personal? Donald Bubna has ten tips that work for him.
Apostolic Fellowship

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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