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To Guard Against the Monsters in My Life, I Became a Monster Myself
A lifestyle of violence and addiction nearly destroyed me, but it brought me to the foot of the cross.
In a Divided World, Practice Patient Persuasion
A law professor shares lessons on respectful disagreement in the classroom, the church, and the wider culture.
The Sentence from C.S. Lewis That Could Change Your Life
Aslan is fictional, but the real Lion of Judah reminds us that we’re forgiven.
Крещендо чудес
Чому на богослужіння в Страсну п’ятницю не слід влаштовувати похорон Ісуса чи плекати почуття провини.
Крещендо чудес
Почему на богослужении в Страстную пятницу не следует устраивать похороны Иисуса или лелеять чувство вины.
This Christian Leader’s Favorite Verse from the Jain Scriptures
Why Vinod Shah cherishes these words from a former supreme preacher of the faith.
Parcours de vie : Uwe Holmer, le pasteur qui hébergea un dictateur
À l’effondrement du gouvernement communiste est-allemand, ce pasteur protestant accueillit Erich Honecker pendant dix semaines au nom du pardon.
Died: Uwe Holmer, Pastor Who Forgave a Communist Dictator
When the East German government collapsed, the evangelical minister welcomed Erich Honecker into his home for 10 weeks.
Seperti Apakah Pengudusan Itu?
Narasi Alkitab yang beragam membantu kita memuridkan mereka yang dipercayakan kepada kita.
A Chorus of Replies about Church Worship
Responses to our May/June issue.
Le pardon ne peut être imposé.
Nous devons nous garder d’utiliser le commandement biblique pour réduire au silence les victimes d’abus.
The Hard Work of Healing
What does it look like to live reconciliation?
It’s Time to Forgive Each Other Our Pandemic Sins
As the COVID-19 emergency ends, the church can lead the world into a spirit of amnesty.
한국 광주 학살의 상처를 ‘기억하기’
군사 독재자 할아버지의 죄에 대한 현대판 느헤미야 전우원의 사죄
Tim Keller: From the CT Archives
A collection of articles by and about the late pastor theologian.
‘Memorizing’ the Scars of South Korea’s Gwangju Massacre
Chun Woo-won’s apology for his military dictator grandfather’s sins is Nehemiah in action.

Top Story June 6, 2024

Many Southern Baptist Women Care More About Calling Than What They’re Called
Many Southern Baptist Women Care More About Calling Than What They’re Called
As the SBC debates restrictions around titles and roles, female leaders continue their work in local churches.

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