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'Get Out of San Francisco'
City's response to Christian youth event poses legal question.
The ACLU Is Not Evil
And neither are many people with whom we disagree.
Abortion Foes Say Ruling Removes 'Cloud' From Protests
Supreme Court says racketeering laws don't apply to pro-life demonstrations.
You'd Better Watch Out
800 Christmas defense lawyers are coming to town.
Praise for U.K. 'Hate' Bill Changes
House of Commons still could pass law many fear would curb preaching.
Choose Life' License Plates Hit Red Lights, Green Lights
Courts differ on whether messages are state or individual speech.
Muzzled Speech
Christians tried for anti-gay preaching.
Landmark Ruling Puts Freedom of Speech in Focus
Pastors breached Australian state's race, religion laws.
Another U.K. Religious Speech 'Crime'
Plus: Too loud churches, banning home worship, Salon on religious persecution abroad, Dobson backs Bush, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Is Speaking Truth a Hate Crime?
Hate laws making their way through U.S. and British governments highlight the need for peaceful yet critical Christian witness. A 12th-century abbot leads the way.
No Free Speech in Preaching
Swedish pastor sentenced to jail for blasting homosexuality.
Clean Air for Ears
The FCC has rejoined the war against indecency.
Breaking the Speech Limits
How activists are trying to deny democracy, and why a bill designed to extend free speech won't pass.
The Bible as Canadian Hate Literature
Plus: Attacks on churches in Indonesia, Muslim violence in Thailand, more Sharia in Nigeria, PBS investigates Bush's faith, and more articles from online sources around the world.
Pre-Weblog: Court Says S.C. 'Choose Life' License Plates Unconstitutional
Plus links to articles about financial scams, the Pope's second autobiography, Iraq missionaries, and other subjects from online media sources around the world.
Challenging Canyon Orthodoxy
Controversy over book with young-earth views raises protests - and sales.
Judge Purges Suit Against Priest's Reportedly Damning Eulogy
Plus: Will revived attention and mammoth gift strain Salvation Army's Christian commitments?
School Lets 'God Bless' Student Back on Air
Plus: Can the Salvation Army survive a $1.5 billion gift? And other stories from online sources around the world.
Cyber Shock
New ways of thinking must be developed for the church to keep pace in the coming information age.
ARTICLE: Shouting Heresy in the Temple of Darwin
Naturalism has become the civil religion of our universities. A game plan for Christian response

Top Story June 1, 2024

The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
Among the former president’s antagonists and admirers alike, there is a great deal of calling evil good and good evil.

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