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Quick To ListenEpisode 140|48min
The History of the Fundamentalists Facing a Massive Abuse Scandal
Meet the conservative Baptists who don’t like Billy Graham.
Quick To ListenEpisode 127|1 hr
John MacArthur's ‘Statement on Social Justice’ Is Aggravating Evangelicals
Christians are talking past each other once again. What's going on?
The Family Feud that Changed the Shape of Christian Higher Education
What makes a college “evangelical” or “fundamentalist?” The dividing lines weren’t always so clear.
How Larry Norman Became the Elvis Presley of Christian Rock
His music inspired a generation of Jesus freaks, but he never shook the suspicion of being a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
The Religious Conflict at the Heart of Our Culture Wars
How theological differences over sex have fueled some of the bitterest political fights of the past century and more.
Fundamentalists, Modernists, and the Rest of the Story
Early 20th-century evangelical history was more than two camps lobbing grenades at each other.
The Other 'Christianity Today'
Learning from our fundamentalist predecessor.
How Evangelicalism Built Its Brand Loyalty
It all goes back to the smiling gentleman on the Quaker Oats label.
I’m Kimmy Schmidt, Minus the ‘Unbreakable’
A cult survivor explains what a new sitcom gets right—and wrong—about life on the outside.
Why Muslims Are Becoming the Best Evangelists
Missiologist Dave Garrison documents global surge in Muslims leading Muslims to Christ. He calls it, “Unprecedented.”
Raised in a Christian Cult
‘Girl at the End of the World’ adds to an important line of ex-fundamentalist survivor stories.
Why I'm Grateful for Feminism
Blogger Samantha Field took me to task last week on "throwing feminism under the bus." Here's my response.
Yes, You Can Drink Beer and Watch Game of Thrones
But do you need to? Will it further your pursuit of holiness?
Six Things I Learned While Writing about Contemporary Fundamentalism
Including why a movement planted in the North came to full flower in the South and the reasons real fundamentalists called Jerry Falwell "pseudo."
Ecumenism, education, culture-engagement and the "slippery slope" argument
The vision of John Comenius and the story of the Unity of the Brethren give us a good way to test a hypothesis.
Harry Emerson Fosdick
Liberalism's popularizer
A Complicated, Consequential Leader
Michael Kazin's recent biography of Williams Jennings Bryan introduces the 'Great Commoner' to a new generation.
This Is Your Life
Evangelicals may not remember their fundamentalist heritage, but that doesn't mean it isn't there—or that it isn't valuable.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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