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The Possible Decline of the Nones Isn’t a Boost for Evangelicals
The good news and bad news about Generation Z’s unexpected religious trends.
Christian Influencer Dale Partridge Shares Inspirational Quotes—But They Weren’t All His
After believing “all ideas are God’s ideas,” the 34-year-old blames earlier plagiarism on immaturity.
Another Look at the ‘Least Religious Generation’
American twentysomethings have their frustrations with the church, but they are far more faith-friendly than commonly supposed.
Boomers, Take It from Woody or Iron Man: It’s Time to Pass the Torch
This summer’s blockbusters showcase the importance of transferring wisdom between generations.
Quick To ListenEpisode 147|57min
No, Millennials Aren’t Killing Evangelism
But if you’re hesitant about sharing the gospel in the 21st century, here's what you need to know about effectively reaching people for Christ.
Half of Millennial Christians Say It’s Wrong to Evangelize
Survey finds young believers want others to know about Jesus. They just don’t want to speak up about it.
5 Positive Trends In Today's Worship Music
Not all current worship trends are positive, but there are far more good ones than negative ones.
Urbana Faces the Challenge of Calling Gen Z to Missions
Despite its lowest attendance in decades, InterVarsity’s historic conference aims to combat student cynicism through scriptural hope.
Rethinking Apologetics for the Black Church
“Black people in the inner city need apologetics, but black people in the suburbs do, too,” says apologist Lisa Fields.
Hey, Boomers! Let’s Step Up And Be The Elders The Church Desperately Needs Right Now
We've been doing this badly, folks. Here are three simple steps to help my generation of Boomers become better at discipling the next generation.
Go Tell It on the iPhone
Christians agree: Technology has made in-person conversations harder, but sharing one’s faith easier.
Leading Fearlessly in a Changing Culture
Popular blogger and pastor Trevin Wax discusses how a marginalized church can actually be more effective.
Why I’m Happy My Son Married at 20
In a world of hookups and cohabitation, he took a leap—and made an act—of faith.
Get Ready, Youth Group Leaders: Teens Twice as Likely to Identify as Atheist or LGBT
Barna findings on Generation Z pose new challenges for the church.
Millennials Can Leave Evangelicalism. But Not Its Pop Culture.
Does the cottage industry around Christian subculture nostalgia reveal the church’s failures—or its successes?
Elisha’s Prophetic Message for Millennials: Stop Leaving Your Options Open
What young people must understand about commitment and its costs.
Treasures in Heaven, Tchotchkes on Earth
What happens when our kids don’t want our heirlooms.
Figuring Out the Millennial Christian Giver
Here's what an ECFA survey of 16,500 donors to 17 evangelical ministries learned about generosity.
Five Ways to Invest in the Next Generation of Leaders
Practical tips for raising up more women in ministry
Patrocinado por NHCLC
No perderemos una generación
Uno de los desafíos más vitales para las mujeres latinas es la idea de ser mentoras y pasar nuestra fe a la próxima generación.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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