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33 Under 33
Meet the Christian leaders shaping the next generation of our faith.
Friday Five Interview: James Emery White
Doing savvy ministry in a post-Christian culture.
Five Reasons Why Most Southern Baptist Churches Baptize Almost No Millennials
(UPDATED) SBC task force 'owns the problem' and identifies five sources of 'stark patterns of decline' in evangelism.
Not All Older Christians Want to Be Your Mentor
How I grew to see mentorship as an honor rather than a burden.
What Happened to Wedding Vows?
Marriage requires a stronger foundation than just cutesy promises.
How Christians Should Talk About Sex
What Rolling Stone and Paul have taught me.
Food is the New Sex (Part 2)
Diet used to be a matter of personal preference and sexuality was governed by strict morality. What does that trend mean for pastors?
Food Is the New Sex (Part 1)
Diet used to be a matter of personal preference and sexuality was governed by strict morality. For Millennials the dynamic has reversed.
Is Pot Legal in Your State Yet?
And other items of interest from ministry and culture
Farewell Franchise Ministry
Why is megachurch pastor John Mark Comer ditching conventional church-growth wisdom? Two words: mission and millennials.
Abortion Meets a New Generation
Progressive evangelicals can't tout social justice while side-stepping the sanctity of life.
Which Christians Actually Evangelize? Study Says Millennials Most, Middle Class Least
Among 'born-again' Christians, Barna finds divide between theory and practice differs by demographic.
I've Grown Cynical of Cynicism
Complaining about the church, the government, the world at large? Over it.
The Great, Maligned American Road Trip
Cross-country drives aren't for escaping responsibility; they're the ultimate test of commitment.
Replacing Sunday Mornings
Where we went when we stopped going to church... and why we came back.
Watch Out, Pastors: Millennials Are Fact-Checking Your Sermons
Survey studies how young churchgoers are using technology.
Help Wanted: Coming-of-Age in a Recession Can Shake Our Faith
Millennials’ unstable careers and changing identities make it harder to see God’s direction.
How the Seeker-Sensitive, Consumer Church Is Failing a Generation
We don’t need gimmicks; we need the gospel.
To Christian Women Under 40: We're Sorry
It’s time for women of faith to make amends.
The Myth of the Perfect Millennial Church
After searching high and low, this generation ends up just as lost as most of us once were.

Top Story June 3, 2024

Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Our message cannot be market tested or manufactured.

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