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‘Paul and the Gift’ Is the Gift That Keeps on Giving
Theologian John Barclay distills and updates his game-changing study of God’s “incongruous” grace in Christ.
Where Is the Gospel in God’s Judgments on the Nations?
How to find the good, true, and beautiful in passages that seem anything but.
Did Bobby Get Suspended Because He Was Black?
Concerns for racial justice must address disparities in education and school discipline.
Died: Luci Swindoll, Who Believed in God’s Grace and Being Herself
Woman of Faith speaker celebrated life of singleness.
Marilynne Robinson’s Latest Novel Probes the Mysteries of Predestination and Grace
Jack Boughton, the wayward pastor’s son, is a central character. So is Jesus.
Keep Calm and Reboot
The Christian disciplines of self-suspicion, forgiveness, and hope all function well. We need to restart our faith in them.
In This Fraught Racial Moment, We Need a Refresher on Human Depravity
We also need a reminder of God’s radical grace.
Threw Away Your Shot? You’ll Get Another.
When we mess up God-given opportunities, God has a habit of giving us more.
John Ortberg and the Pitfalls of Pastoral Discernment
When we consent to our calling as ministers of the gospel, we assent to be public imitators of all it proclaims.
Caminhando nos passos dos apóstolos
Há espaço para a graça sublime em nosso chamado à fidelidade intransigente?
我们所蒙不妥协的忠心的呼召, 在其中可有奇异恩典的空间?
The God of Good Manners?
It’s easy to forget that God is both kingly and courteous.
Facing the Lions of Fatherhood
The ‘roar’ of earthly fathers can be powerful and painful, but God’s roar is louder.
Don’t Scoff at ‘Social Justice.’ Don’t Anchor Yourself to It, Either.
Today’s progressive activists have plenty in common with the biblical prophets. But some differences are too vast to ignore.
Stumbling on the Path of the Apostles
Is there room for amazing grace in our call to uncompromising faithfulness?
This Holy Week, Linger at the Cross
Explore CT's special issue for the Easter season.
Whatever Your Secret Sins, the Psalms Will Give You the Courage to Come Clean
Hiding from God (and neighbor) is dehumanizing, but honest prayer and confession bring healing and freedom.
Justification Isn’t Just About Me
The Cross calls me to cross the pew.
Set Free by the Cross, Why Do We Live in Bondage?
The Enemy wants us to doubt the efficacy of God’s grace and the assurance of his mercy.

Top Story June 14, 2024

PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
The author of the bestseller died last year. The investigation will determine if the book is appropriate for Christians.

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