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Mary the Priest and Phil the Groundhog Beat Out Super Bowl Hoopla
The real reason February 2 is an occasion for feasting.
C. S. Lewis Was a Grinch
The writer loved the Incarnation. Not so much the Christmas holiday.
Iceland Needs a Brighter Christmas Story
The bizarre myths of “Jól” fail to offer the hope and joy of the true Christmas story.
Give Thanks: US Christians’ Top Thanksgiving Verse and Hymn
We’re called to offer our thanksgiving in all circumstances—but we're especially likely to when it’s a national holiday.
Keep the X in X-Mas
The abbreviation offends 6 in 10 evangelicals, but its history is deeply Christian
Why Putting Christ Back in Christmas Is Not Enough
The history of American holiday cheer obscures the difficult details of the nativity narrative.
The Case for an Early Christmas
Christian history gives us reason to see Advent and Christmas as coexistent, not separate.
This Thanksgiving, I’m Thankful for Difficult People
The surprising context for the holiday Lincoln instituted is a good reminder to us today.
Pew: Fewer Christians Wish for a ‘Merry Christmas’ This Year
Surveys suggest concerns over any ‘war on Christmas’ would be better focused on religious literacy.
How to Celebrate Christmas as a Cultural Minority
Christians abroad and Muslims at home helped me find the holy day in the holiday.
How the Coming of the Son Brings Hope to the Fatherless
An overlooked prophecy points to the family togetherness we crave at Christmas.
Which Came First, Christmas or Consumerism?
Judith Flanders teases out the surprising mix of religious and secular elements in many beloved holiday customs.
The Only Bright Spot in American Giving
Research highlights radical giving of poor and unpaid labor of women.
What the New Midlife Crisis Means for Christian Women
Middle-aged women contending with stress can find solace in this gospel message.
What Your Pastor Really Wants for Christmas
This year, forego the gift cards and get them something they’ll really appreciate.
5 Creative Alternatives to Trunk-or-Treat
Don’t be scared of Halloween. Seize the (holi) day!
Happy Birthday, Dear Church
Why Pentecost Sunday is worth celebrating.
Magi, Wise Men, or Kings? It’s Complicated.
Christian tradition finds meaning in each of these mysterious monikers.
Here’s What Happens When Christmas Falls on a Sunday
Just 1 in 10 churches will cancel worship services this December 25.
When Christmas Meets the ‘Umbrage Industry’
If history is any guide, there’s no escaping the hostilities that erupt every December.

Top Story June 14, 2024

PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
The author of the bestseller died last year. The investigation will determine if the book is appropriate for Christians.

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