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Filled with the Spirit amid the Hungry Ghosts
As the Chinese festival ends, theologians explain why pneumatology matters more in Asia.
¿Por qué hoy dividimos las iglesias en carismáticas y sacramentales?
Vale la pena recordar que los primeros cristianos no hacían distinción.
Why Shamelessness Is a Superpower
In a performative age, brazenness gives an illusion of strength.
Died: Stuart Briscoe, Renowned British Preacher and Wisconsin Pastor
As a child, he found the courage to be a nonconformist. As an adult, to trust the Holy Spirit.
Cuando Satanás nos invita a un camino atractivo, nosotros obedecemos a Dios
La humildad es una de las herramientas más eficaces para resistir al diablo.
6 maneiras de examinar uma palavra profética
Palavras proféticas sobre o chamado de um cristão devem ser submetidas ao discernimento bíblico.
Cómo ser humano como Dios
La Semana Santa es un recordatorio para imitar a Jesucristo como el autor y perfeccionador de nuestra fe.
How to Be Human Like God
Holy Week reminds us to imitate Jesus Christ as the author and perfecter of our faith.
6 Ways to Vet a ‘Word from the Lord’
Prophetic words about a Christian’s calling should be subject to biblical discernment.
Ia Tidak Percaya, Namun Tuhan Mendengar Tangisannya
Saya mendapat hak istimewa untuk menjadi bagian dari jawaban-Nya.
Leading Church Exits Vineyard
National board questions Anaheim pastors’ “spiritually implausible” reasons for disassociation.
The Waters of Baptism Flow Toward Humanity at Its Neediest
Just as Jesus’ baptism launched his public ministry, our own baptisms ordinate us to a life of humble obedience and costly service.
복음주의자들은 삼위일체를 목적을 얻기 위한 수단으로 만들어 버렸다. 이제는 바뀌어야 할 때이다.
지난 2천년 동안 교회 지도자들은 같은 삼위일체 교리를 고수했다. 우리는 어쩌다 길을 잃은 것일까?
Los evangélicos han hecho de la Trinidad un medio para un fin. Es hora de cambiar eso.
Durante 2000 años, los líderes de la iglesia mantuvieron la misma doctrina trinitaria. ¿Cómo perdimos el rumbo?
Ella no creía, pero Dios escuchó su lamento
Yo tuve el privilegio de ser parte de su respuesta.
Learning to Love Your Limits
Our overburdened lives are often a problem of theology, not time management.
Evangelicals Have Made The Trinity a Means to an End. It’s Time to Change That.
For 2,000 years, church leaders held to the same Trinitarian doctrine. How did we lose our way?
New & Noteworthy Books
Compiled by Matt Reynolds.
À quoi ressemble la sanctification ?
La diversité des récits bibliques nous aide à faire des disciples de ceux qui nous sont confiés.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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