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Ash Wednesday’s Imposition of Humility
The dust from whence we came and will return dirties our hearts now.
Writing as a Christian Means Joining a Banquet, Not a Battle
How we can use our words to feed each other rather than destroy each other.
The Celebrity Pastor Problem Is Every Church’s Struggle
How our ministry policies and practices can push back against entitlement.
On Matters of Race and Justice, Listening Isn’t a One-Way Street
Why we shouldn’t divide the church into those who “get it” and those who don’t.
What a Leading Racial Reconciliation Advocate Learned from Her Critics
Brenda Salter McNeil says she put too much faith in an approach that downplayed justice in order to seem nonthreatening.
4 Heart Postures You Need When Deciding How and When to Return to Church Amidst COVID-19
The church never closed during COVID-19—just the doors to our buildings.
Who Am I That I Should Lead?
Some people need warnings to avoid the spotlight. Others need encouragement to step up.
When Following God into Dark Places Reveals the Darkness in Your Own Heart
How shepherding others through messy situations brings our own sin and insufficiency to the surface.
The Many Faces of Narcissism in the Church
Sometimes it appears in the pulpit, and sometimes it festers behind the scenes.
Worship God: Start a Hobby
Lately, hobbies have become a metric of personal success. But their core purpose is to help us pause and praise.
Pastors Need Friends Born for Adversity
When beloved congregants turned on me, who could I trust for advice?
The New Math of Church Mergers
An option once seen as a failed strategy is now giving many congregations a new lease on life.
The Inspirational, Interdenominational, Multi-Congregational Ministry Movement
What happens when local churches stop competing and start seeing themselves as multiple sites of God’s Church in a city?
Where Can a Pastor Find Church?
Can those who lead congregations receive ministry from them as well?
The Peculiar Tale of an Anglican-Baptist Church Plant
Why would two distinctly different denominations work together? And what have they learned?
When Satan Takes the High Road, We Take the Low Road
Why humility is one of the most effective tools for resisting the Devil.
What Psychology Offers Christians Amid Political Polarization
Scholars describe the difficulties and benefits of humility, but Christ offers an example.
The Problem with ‘Church, Submit to Your Pastor’
When pushing our agenda keeps us from empowering others, we miss the point of leadership.
A Visit with Luis Palau, Still on Fire for Christ in the Sunset of Life
Despite terminal lung cancer, the Argentinian-born evangelist remains full of energy and evangelistic passion.
In Praise Of Walmart Churches
Walmart churches don’t care how they look to others. They know who they are and who they’re called to reach.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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