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How to Flourish as a Creative Minority
An Orthodox Jew advises American evangelicals on how to keep—and pass on—the faith in an increasingly pagan culture.
Não existe uma fórmula única para educar crianças cristãs
Deus será fiel em cuidar de nossos filhos. Podemos confiar nele, onde quer que eles estudem.
Don’t Overexpose Kids to Mental Health Experts. Or Rule Them Out Completely.
Abigail Shrier’s critique of childhood therapy mixes a needful corrective with ideological hyperbole.
Jesus Remains in UK State Schools—in a Manger in the Nativity Play
British culture continues to act out the Christmas story even as fewer believe it.
Beyond Narnia, Ramona, and Green Gables
A conversation with Christian authors, editors, and more about contemporary children’s literature and how to find the right books for your kids.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Let Back in San Jose Schools After Court Rejects District’s ‘Double Standard’
Ninth Circuit ruling boosts First Amendment protections for faith groups denied campus access.
There’s No One Equation for Educating Christian Kids
God will be faithful to our children, and we can trust him no matter where they go to school.
Covenant Families Frustrated by Tennessee’s Failure to Pass New Gun Laws
Special legislative session ends without measures to prevent mass shootings at schools.
Don’t Let the ‘Back-to-School Rush’ Diminish Your Humanity
Whenever we enter a new season of life, we must care for our souls in the process.
Train Up a Child: Ukraine’s Christian Schools Model Wartime Education
Evangelical-led movement offers family atmosphere and biblical values increasingly attractive to the beleaguered nation.
Oklahoma Approves First Church-Run Charter School in US
Supporters see it as win for religious freedom and school choice, while opponents are gearing up to challenge its constitutionality.
No School Left Behind: Why All Education Is Public
Private, state, and charter schools all contribute to the common good. Our debates should reflect that.
Nashville Shooting Intensifies Attention Around Christian School Safety
Administrators are seeking ways to “be alert and sober minded,” adding specialized training, personnel, and physical upgrades.
Sissy Goff: After Another Shooting, Let Your Kids Ask Questions
Christian parents need to be prepared, more than ever, to discuss this difficult topic with our children.
Una escuela presbiteriana lamenta la muerte de seis personas en un tiroteo en Nashville
Entre las víctimas se encuentran la directora de la escuela y la hija de 9 años del pastor principal de la iglesia.
Presbyterian School Mourns 6 Dead in Nashville Shooting
Victims include the head of school and the 9-year-old daughter of the church’s lead pastor.
As dificuldades que os homens enfrentam são problemas de todos
Desde estudos e trabalho a paternidade e amizades, precisamos de uma visão de masculinidade que ambos os sexos possam aplaudir.
The Struggles of Men Are a Problem for Everyone
From school and work to fatherhood and friendship, we need a vision of manhood that both sexes can celebrate.
Les enseignants ne devraient pas être inquiets à propos de l’IA
Les applications d’intelligence artificielle comme ChatGPT nous ramènent à la nature holistique de l’éducation.
Why Educators Shouldn’t Be Worried About AI
AI Apps like ChatGPT are a wake-up call to redefine the holistic nature of education.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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