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The Light Force of God’s Smuggler: Arab Christians Mourn Brother Andrew
Leaders gathered at Middle East evangelical meeting recall his conversations and books that shaped their ministries.
Conversations with God’s Smuggler
A selection of Brother Andrew’s interviews with Christianity Today.
Orphan Forced from Christian Home Highlights Islamic Ban on Adoption
Egypt sees surge in foster care applications, though still insufficient, while Christians denied custody due to sharia law.
Egypt Church Fire Kills 41, Sparks Blame of Building Law’s Legacy
Reforms have legalized 2,400 Christian structures, yet Abu Seifein represents problems from when construction and repair permits were impossible to obtain.
The Surge in Arab Seminary Studies
Unlike many American counterparts, evangelical institutions in Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine enjoy an influx of students as they serve beyond their ivory towers.
O que é antissemitismo? Evangélicos defendem definições diferentes
A Aliança Evangélica Europeia é o mais recente grupo cristão a aderir à definição proposta pela Aliança Internacional para a Memória do Holocausto (IHRA). Outros grupos são a favor da definição da Declaração de Jerusalém.
Exodus, Judges, or Nehemiah: Lebanon’s Evangelicals Assess Surprising Election Victory
Amid a rapidly collapsing nation, Christians hope surge of new politicians opposed to traditional sectarian parties will follow biblical parallels.
What Is Antisemitism? Evangelicals Favor Different Definitions
European Evangelical Alliance becomes latest Christian group to sign onto IHRA working definition. Others favor Jerusalem Declaration alternative.
Vote as a Christian, Not Because You Are Christian
Lebanese evangelicals—like believers worldwide—often approach elections torn between hope and despair. But with a major vote looming, do they have a biblical mandate to participate?
Despite Drop in Deportations, Turkey Still Troubles Christians
Hate speech rises as evangelicals grow more prominent on social media, amid ongoing difficulties to train pastors and register churches.
Faith Comes from Watching: Christian TV in the Middle East
Media gives MENA Christians the opportunity to “share their sorrows, joys, faith, and hope” amid persecution and unrest.
Arab Christian Scholars: Trade Minority Mindset for Abundant Life
Urging a new political engagement and commitment to witness, academics call region’s Christians to seek refuge in God, not their regimes.
Remembering Abouna Makary, Coptic Priest Loved by Egypt’s Evangelicals
Favorite Orthodox figure on Arabic Christian TV eulogized by fellow evangelist Sameh Maurice after COVID-19 death.
Can Lebanon’s Baptists and Maronites Cooperate Amid Crisis?
Despite history of mutual wariness, rapidly deteriorating economy may finally bring together evangelicals and Catholics in service of society.
Irán: Las iglesias que se reúnen en casas no son ilegales, dice el juez de la Corte Suprema
(Actualización) Después de que un fallo sin precedentes afirmara que practicar el cristianismo en el hogar no es una amenaza para la seguridad nacional, un fiscal retiró los cargos contra ocho conversos y dijo que la apostasía no es un crimen según la ley iraní.
13 CT News Stories That Made Us Happy in 2021
It was another hard year on many fronts, but it wasn’t all bad news.
The Global Church in 2021: CT’s Top 20 International Articles
Our most-read stories from abroad, from Haiti to Nigeria to Hong Kong.
Iran’s House Churches Are Not Illegal, Says Supreme Court Justice
(UPDATED) After unprecedented ruling asserts practicing Christianity at home is not a national security threat, a prosecutor drops charges against eight converts and says apostasy is not a crime under Iranian law.
No Singing Christian Carols on December 25, Orders Patriarch of Jerusalem
Orthodox edict puts holiday unity in the Holy Land—where Christians in Jordan and Israel have long agreed to observe Western Christmas and Eastern Easter dates—in doubt.
A Requiem for the Disappearing Christians of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Gaza
Their plight moved a (mostly prayerless) war correspondent to prayer and mourning.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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