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A Pastor's Heart
Even in the midst of his campaign for reform, Hus never forgot the faithful flock back home.
Antony and the Desert Fathers: Christian History Interview - Discovering the Desert Paradox
What many found when they sought God in a seemingly God-forsaken landscape.
The Link: Modern Myths of the Medieval Past
Much that is heralded as Celtic Christianity today is neither Celtic nor Christian.
Evangelism in the Early Church: Christian History Interview - Roman Redux
Today's evangelistic challenge is not all that different than it was for the early church.
The Man with Three Wives
Though Livingstone loved his family, he spent little time with them.
Unbecoming Ladies
Women played a controversial but decisive new role in China missions.
Warrior Spirituality
Princes and knights were expected to be men of noble character, military prowess, and deep Christian faith.
Demanding Faith
The Scots Confession is not for the faint of heart.
Snapshots of a Saint
Stories that reveal Francis's intense, complex personality.
After the Revolution
Reinventing Family Life
A Monk Marries
Luther's wit and wisdom about his new estate
Was Luther Anti-Semitic?
Let Us Repent Immediately
Excerpts from an ancient Christian sermon
The Parents Luther Feared Disgracing
Were they caring and firm—or so harsh they drove him to rebel against every authority in his life?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Gallery of Family, Friends, & Co-Conspirators
Significant people in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life

Top Story June 18, 2024

Sunday Best in India: Christian Women Weigh What to Wear to Church
Sunday Best in India: Christian Women Weigh What to Wear to Church
From embracing Western styles to preserving cultural heritage, how female leaders in six states navigate competing perspectives on appropriate attire.

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