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The African Apostles: Did You Know?
The rapidity of Africa's twentieth-century baptism was stunning. There's no better place to see the future of the global church.
"Churches, Agencies Respond to Attacks"
"Leaders call for prayer, justice, and mercy"
To the Church Called Mainline by William H. Willimon
To the Church Called Mainline:
The Spirit Hasn't Left Mainline (Part 1 of 3)
A forum on why and how we should save denominations.
Close Encounters Across Cultures
What would happen if you just stayed with a group of kids no matter what?
Episcopal Bishop Joins Others on Road to Rome
Natural Born Sinners
Gordon Aeschliman in Cairo
Ministers Decry 'Censorship'
BOOKS: Great Scots
Episcopal Bishops Divided Over Sexuality
Media Campaign Targets Unchurched
Sexuality Draft Draws Criticism
Confronting Canada's Secular Slide
Why Canadian evangelicals thrive in a culture often indifferent to religious faith.
RE-Imagining Labeled 'Reckless'
PCUSA says conference pushed 'beyond the boundries.'

Top Story June 13, 2024

Charisma and Its Companions
Charisma and Its Companions
Church movements need magnetic leaders. But the best leaders need more than charm.

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