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Holy Land
Sabas just wanted to pray where Christ had lived and died but ended up establishing the most famous monastery in the Judean Desert.
Denmark: Planting the Seed
How missionaries' modest beginnings eventually bore fruit in Denmark
Norway Part 2: Dead Man Converting
King Olaf Haraldsson had only moderate success at converting his people—until a year after he was killed in battle.
Patrick the Saint
Behind the fanciful legends of the fifth-century British missionary stands a man worthy of embellishment.
The Festive Abbess
Legendary Brigit brought joy and the burning presence of God.
Patrick and Celtic Christianity: A Gallery of Extravagant Tales of Remarkable Faith
The legendary exploits of four early Celtic leaders.
Fishers of Fish
The maritime life of Jesus' headquarters in Galilee
The Life & Times of Jesus of Nazareth: Did You Know?
Facts, both fascinating and little-known about Jesus and his times.
User-Friendly Faith
What liberals believed—and why fundamentalists made such a fuss.
Hudson Taylor and Missions to China: Christian History Interview - The Miracles after Missions
The missionaries are forgotten, but the prospects for Chinese Christianity have never looked better.
The Natural Supernatural
To Paul and the early church, religious experiences were commonplace.
PHILIP YANCEY: What Surprised Jesus
Behind South Africa's Miracle
Freedom could not have been won without the faithful efforts of the church.
Francis of Assisi: A Gallery of Five Who Knew a Saint
Not everyone who loved Francis followed his way.
The Strange Stigmata
Did Francis really receive the wounds of Jesus?
C.S. Lewis: Did You Know? (Part 1)
Little-known Facts about C.S. Lewis

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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