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¿Qué demuestran los estudios sobre la oración?
Cuando un estudio sugiere que la oración de intercesión podría dañar a los pacientes en vez de ayudarlos, debemos pensar dos veces.
Religious Experiences Are Common. Which Ones Should We Trust?
Reports of divine encounters aren’t always legitimate, but they shouldn’t be lightly dismissed.
Miracles Don’t Violate the Laws of Nature
The ideas of a Scottish skeptic explain why some Westerners struggle to embrace signs and wonders.
Miracles Are Outlasting the Arguments Against Them
New Testament scholar Craig Keener investigates contemporary accounts of “signs and wonders,” while suggesting that many grounds for skepticism are behind the times.
하나님의 보호하심을 간구하고 마스크가 있는 것에 감사하십시오.
경쟁적 개념으로 접근한다면 하나님과 우리의 행동은 상반되지만 밀접히 연관되어 있다.
疫苗彷彿像是神蹟。 相較之下,永生豈不是更不可思議的神蹟嗎?
La sanación es un pequeño adelanto de la resurrección
Las vacunas nos parecen un milagro. ¿Cuánto más el milagro real de la vida eterna?
Healing Is a Foretaste of Resurrection
Vaccines feel like a miracle. How much more the real miracle of eternal life?
Pray to God for Protection. Then Praise Him for Your Mask.
The concept of competitive agency pits God’s actions against our own. But they go hand in hand.
Thomas Jefferson Tried to ‘Fix’ the Bible. He Only Succeeded in Making It Sad.
The third president’s attempts to revise Scripture offer a warning about our own tendency to “edit” the truth.
There’s No Shame When a Miracle Doesn’t Come
God didn’t #WakeUpOlive, but the gospel teaches Christ’s solidarity with suffering.
Quick To ListenEpisode 192|56min
What Lee Strobel Wants Christians to Know About Praying for Resurrections
The prominent apologist investigated miracles in the 21st century. Here’s what he found.
Every Grieving Parent Can Hope for Resurrection
But the miraculous healings in the Gospel of Mark give us a glimpse at the kingdom, not a guarantee.
Why Jesus Couldn’t Do Miracles in His Hometown
The lack of signs and wonders in Nazareth says more about Jesus than about people’s lack of faith.
Real Raisings from the Dead or Fake News?
Falsified resurrection stories should not cause us to discount credible miracle accounts.
4 Reasons to Believe in the Christmas Miracle
Why the supernatural events of this season are both credible and incredible.
Whatever Happened to Gifts of Language, Prophecy, and Healing?
Let’s ask the early church fathers.
Beth Moore: I Found God in ‘Deep Valleys and Difficulties’
The best-selling author and speaker talks about her past and her first-ever work of fiction.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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