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We Believe in Miracles—Just Not on Film
Movies old and new have wrestled with how to depict the supernatural.
Why I’m Not Hoping For Heaven
Jesus’ miracles promise a better fate—including for my daughter, who died at age 32.
Kenya Bans New Churches Amid 'Miracle-Faking Spree'
After TV exposé, attorney general seeks ways to rein in fake pastors.
We Are Not Enough in Awe of God
Why Eric Metaxas encourages a greater openness to miracles in everyday life.
The Crusader
Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke brings old-time gospel back to America.
A New Age of Miracles
Around the world, wherever churches are growing, reports of the miraculous are rampant. What do they mean?
Are Parents' Prayers for Miracle Healings Inhumane?
New study in Journal of Medical Ethics draws criticism.
It's Okay to Expect a Miracle
Scholar Craig Keener rediscovers the reality of divine intervention.
Tanzanians Throng to Miracle Cure
Churches debate healing power of pastor's cure.
Me? Favored? By God?
The remarkable announcement to Mary—and us.
God's Quiet Signature
Why the rescue of the Chilean miners was a "great miracle," and what it tells us about Hanukkah.
Hopeless Prayer
What the rescue of the Chilean miners didn't teach me.
Joni Eareckson Tada on Something Greater than Healing
Now facing breast cancer and chronic pain, the author, speaker, and advocate talks about the blessings of suffering.
Pulling the 'Jesus Boat' from the Mud
Behind the sometimes heart-stopping recovery story.
Miracle Boat
The surreal, sometimes comical story behind the discovery of the Jesus Boat.
ELCA Assembly: Was God in Either Whirlwind?
Tornado touches convention center as Lutherans approve sexuality statement by the exact margin it needed to pass.
What Do Prayer Studies Prove?
When a landmark study suggests that intercessory prayer may actually hurt patients instead of help them, you have to wonder.
Finger of God
It's up to the viewer of 'Finger of God' to determine whose they are.
The Economy of Anger
Looking for a real miracle.

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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