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Infanticide Debate Reflects a New Era for Abortion Politics
As states push for pro-choice protections, Christians have a growing obligation to defend the lives of babies born as “burdens.”
The Best Books Are Companions, Teachers, and Hope-Givers
A conversation on reading with an avid reader, “Book Girl” Sarah Clarkson.
Karen Swallow Prior: Good Books Make Better People
Why history's wisest figures have seen a connection between reading well and living well.
Why Science Can’t Tell Us How to Live
The quest to detach morality from divine revelation has only led to one dead end after another.
David Foster Wallace Broke My Heart
Ten years after his suicide, I marvel at his genius but mourn the crushing burdens he carried.
Why You Can’t Name the Virtues
Our culture has abandoned a wealth of teaching on character formation. Let’s revive these lost arts.
Why “Finishing Well” Can Never Be Our Main Reason To Behave Morally
We need to behave morally not so we can keep our reputations intact, but because hurting other people is wrong. Always wrong.
Has The Rise Of Megachurches Elevated Our Communities?
Communities with successfully growing churches should be feeling the impact of those churches on their overall culture.
The Family Feud that Changed the Shape of Christian Higher Education
What makes a college “evangelical” or “fundamentalist?” The dividing lines weren’t always so clear.
Taking the Measure of Trump Country
A writer and a scholar attempt sympathetic portrayals of the president’s rural supporters, but their sympathy only extends so far.
Lead Us Not Into Scandal
While some other evangelicals stumbled in national news, Graham's Modesto Manifesto kept him from falling.
In the Face of Moral Crisis, Churches Can’t Choose ‘Neutrality’
How Civil War–era churches that avoided taking sides on slavery ended up siding with its supporters.
Behavioral Science Catches Up to the Bible
Research is confirming ancient wisdom about human nature. But can it really make us better people?
How Poetry Might Change the Pro-Life Debate
The moral imagination of literature speaks volumes.
Gleanings: September 2017
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our September issue).
'Mommy, Is Gru a Good Guy or a Bad Guy?'
'Despicable Me 3' recalls the Apostle Paul's struggle to 'do the right thing.'
Moral Outrage in America Is Now for Everybody
Gallup finds record-high liberalism on 10 of 19 issues. Yet moderates and liberals are growing more concerned.
What Science Says About the Age of Accountability
The latest research on good, evil, and infants.
The Theology Beneath the Trump-Comey Conflict
How the former FBI director’s interest in Reinhold Niebuhr shaped his approach to political power.
Moral Law: Americans Agree on More Morality, Disagree on Method
Survey examines attitudes on where morals come from and how to bolster behavior.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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