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Her Son Took up Heroin. She Was the One Whose World Unraveled.
A mother’s meditation on sin, guilt, and the grace of self-doubt.
My ‘Mom Rage’ Is Understandable. But It’s Not Excusable.
In my fury, I’m invited to repent and be restored at the foot of the cross.
A Foster Mother, a Murderer, and a Seemingly Simple Yes
How a shocking gesture of grace changed them both from the inside out.
Go Ahead. Hire That Housekeeper.
The Christian case for getting domestic help and doing it well.
How Can Today’s Pro-Life Christians Build Trust in the Movement?
Four leaders share their vision for what demonstrating pro-life convictions really looks like.
Parents Need Villages, Not Just Public Policies
American families are floundering for support. The church is a great place to start.
Enter His Kitchen With Thanksgiving and His Pantry with Praise
This Mother’s Day and every day, feeding my kids is an opportunity for prayer.
How Single Women Help New Moms Make It Through
Their unexpected ministry cuts across life stages.
Your Empty Nest Is God’s Opportunity
Four ways to rethink your post-parenting years in light of the Great Commission.
I Cremated My Unborn Son
How caring for miscarried children offers a radically pro-life vision.
A Dying Child and a Living Hope
How prayer and friendship helped an expecting mother through a devastating fetal diagnosis.
How Mothers (and Others) Minister in Disrupted Spaces
Christ's kingdom work involved detours. Can we follow his model?
My Son’s Suffering Helped Me Understand God’s Suffering
The birth of my child transformed my view of the “problem of pain” and divine foreknowledge.
God Calls Me to Motherhood and Art. How Do I Do Both?
The cofounder of a new art and vocation institute in South Carolina aims to address the intersection of faith, family, creativity, and calling.
How Christians Can Take the Lead with Paid Family Leave
A new report from the Center for Public Justice offers guiding principles for how church communities, policy makers, and employers can put pro-family beliefs into action.
The Great Commission Starts in Your Backyard
For parents, our most important mission field is closer than we think.
Parents: Let Go of Graduation Nostalgia
The end of school invites retrospection. But we have something better to look forward to.
Why Happy Christian Moms Still Feel Guilty
Pew Research found that evangelical mothers score high for balance and satisfaction in parenting. So why do they keep facing so much pressure?
God Understands Hard, Thankless Parenting
Mother’s Day is difficult for many. But Scripture portrays a Father who knows our plight.
Community Home Offers ‘Boot Camp’ for Pregnant Moms
How a residential program in Virginia goes beyond crisis pregnancy aid.

Top Story June 6, 2024

Many Southern Baptist Women Care More About Calling Than What They’re Called
Many Southern Baptist Women Care More About Calling Than What They’re Called
As the SBC debates restrictions around titles and roles, female leaders continue their work in women’s ministry in their local churches.

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