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Redeeming Condos, Presbyterians Buy NYC Building for $30 Million
The church Tim Keller founded is part of a hidden trend turning real estate into worship space.
John Ortberg Resigns from Menlo Church
Elders cite "pain and broken trust" as the church launches a new investigation of son's volunteer work with children.
How a Reformed Facebook Group’s Private Comments Turned Into a Public Dispute
The social media saga involving Aimee Byrd and Genevan Commons calls for discipline, justice, and restoration beyond “cancel culture.”
Tim Keller demande que l'on prie pour lui alors qu'il est atteint d'un cancer du pancréas
Le pasteur et auteur de New York a annoncé son diagnostic dimanche dernier et commence la chimio, la semaine prochaine.
Tim Keller Memohon Doa-Doa Untuk Kesembuhan Kanker Pankreas
Pendeta dan penulis yang tinggal di New York mengumumkan hasil diagnosisnya hari Minggu dan mulai menjalani kemo minggu depan.
팀 켈러 목사의 췌장암 투병을 위한 기도 요청
지난 주일에 뉴욕의 목사이자 저자인 팀 켈러가 다음주부터 항암치료를 시작한다고 투병 소식을 알렸다.
Tim Keller pede orações por ter câncer de pâncreas
O pastor e autor de Nova York anunciou seu diagnóstico no domingo passado e começa a quimioterapia na próxima semana.
Tim Keller pide oraciones por cáncer de páncreas
El pastor y autor de Nueva York anunció su diagnóstico el domingo y comenzará sesiones de quimioterapia la próxima semana.
Tim Keller Asks for Prayers for Pancreatic Cancer
The New York pastor and author announced his diagnosis Sunday and begins chemo next week.
Prayer amid PandemicEpisode 5|18min
A Reformed Black Pastor’s Observations on a Pandemic and Racism
The Spanish influenza was afflicting everyone—regardless of skin color.
Quick To ListenEpisode 203|1 hr
Historically White Christian Ministries Now Have Korean American Male Leaders
Eugene Cho, Walter Kim, Julius Kim and others are diversifying their ministries. Will they bring a new direction?
Why This Asian Presbyterian Can’t Quit the White Pentecostal Church
How I became convinced Christianity is more than ethnicity.
Korean Church Court Dodges Decision on Pastoral Succession
Denomination delays verdict on how Myungsung, the world’s largest Presbyterian church, passed its pulpit from father to son.
Korean Megachurches Debate If Pastors’ Kids Can Inherit Pulpits
Myungsung, the world’s largest Presbyterian church, awaits denominational court ruling on pastoral succession.
PCA Sides With the Nashville Statement Over Revoice’s Approach
Evangelicals in favor of traditional marriage debate the place of LGBT identity in the church.
One Body, Many Parts: The Crucial Role of the ‘Faith-Based FEMA’ After Florence
Working alongside government agencies, Christian volunteers aid hurricane victims based on what each denomination does best.
Southern Christianity Is Bigger Than the Bible Belt
A scholar’s journey through the region reveals much more than Baptists and church barbecues.
Christian Foster Parents Lose Kids over Easter Bunny. Court Disagrees.
Canadian couple celebrate religious freedom victory: “We knew … God would take care of us.”

Top Story June 17, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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