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Died: R. C. Sproul, Reformed Theologian Who Founded Ligonier Ministries
Late PCA leader influenced generations of Christians by filling the gap “between Sunday school and seminary.”
Should Churches Keep Their Civil War Landmarks?
How historic congregations grapple with Confederate legacy.
Princeton Seminary Reforms Its Views on Honoring Tim Keller
School rescinds a major theology prize amid complaints over women’s ordination.
Tim Keller Stepping Down as Redeemer Senior Pastor
The influential Reformed leader is moving away from his NYC pulpit as his church becomes three.
Racism Rejected
A snapshot of Christian witness in the world (as it appeared in our September issue).
Bucking the Trend, Erskine Seminary Takes Steps to Split from College
While financial woes prompt many seminaries to consolidate, Erskine’s are causing it to take a step away.
PCA Goes Back to Where It Started: Women’s Ordination
Meanwhile, the shrinking PCUSA makes plans to recover its identity.
Presbyterian Church in America Apologizes for Old and New Racism
The denomination took a year to get its apology just right.
Died: Menes Abdul Noor, 85, Former Pastor of Middle East’s Largest Evangelical Church
Author/translator of 100 books, Abdul Noor used literacy campaigns and Bible-based preaching to spread the gospel.
Should Denominations Apologize for Racial Acts They Didn’t Commit?
The Presbyterian Church in America debates the sins of its fathers.
Evangelicals Unite as Mennonites Mull How to Keep Peace over Sexuality
Conservatives announce alternative to Mennonite Church USA: Evana.
PCUSA Makes Marriage a 'Unique Commitment'
Majority of presbyteries vote to no longer limit marriage to a man and a woman.
Our Battle against Religious Persecution Is Floundering
Rep. Frank Wolf, human rights champion, calls on evangelicals to intensify the fight for religious liberty.
PC(USA) Divests From Some Israeli Holdings. Does It Matter?
(UPDATED) The divestment of the 1.8 million-member denomination may have symbolic power, but how much?
PC(USA) Permits Pastors To Perform Same-Sex Marriages, Thanks to Conservative Exodus
Now 172 regional bodies must ratify 'two people' redefinition of marriage, passed by 3 to 1 margin.
Ethnic Violence Kills 10,000—and It Gets Even Worse in South Sudan
The nation that evangelicals helped to create may lose 50,000 children to starvation by December 31.
John Ortberg's Megachurch Approved To Leave PC(USA) over Multisite
(UPDATED) To help pay $9 million price tag, pastor will sell home where wife wanted to 'be buried in the backyard.'
'Wrath of God' Keeps Popular Worship Song Out of 10,000-Plus Churches
(UPDATED) The hymn's controversial lyrics are now making waves among Southern Baptists.
How Breastfeeding Brought Me Closer to God
Nursing became the spiritual discipline that taught me to slow down and rest.
Respecting Atheism While Believing in Jesus
Buechner writes, "...the war I fought was to convince as many as I could that religious faith, even if they chose to have none of it, was not as bankrupt and banal and easily disposable as most of them believed."

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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