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What’s New in Evangelical Views on Abortion? The Age Gap
Between 2016 and 2020, younger white evangelicals started to shift away from pro-life positions while older ones solidified their stances.
Texas Pregnancy Centers See Clientele Shift After Abortion Ban
With the Heartbeat Act restricting abortions after six weeks, the women coming in for tests are earlier along, more confused, and more desperate.
The Prolific Deceivers at the Heart of ‘Roe v. Wade’
A journalist pieces together the messy lives of Norma McCorvey, her family, and other central figures from the case.
Supreme Court Abortion Case Holds Signs of Hope for Pro-Life Evangelicals
The conservative-majority Supreme Court appeared willing to side with Mississippi’s abortion ban, which restricts beyond what “Roe v. Wade” allows.
Viability Is No Way to Judge a Human Life
As the Supreme Court hears arguments on abortion law, bad rulings should get tossed out for good. So should the “surviveability” standard.
The Pro-Life Cause Is Now a Lower Priority for Christians. That’s Bad News for Everybody.
Human dignity is not an earned right but a signpost to God.
Is the Texas ‘Heartbeat Bill’ the End of Roe v. Wade?
A recent abortion ban isn’t the victory it seems. But it is a test run for pro-life Christians.
Supreme Court’s Next Abortion Case Could Be a Pro-Life Turning Point
Evangelicals anticipate a ruling on Mississippi’s 15-week ban as a possible first step toward overturning Roe v. Wade.
What Pro-Lifers Can Learn from the Planned Parenthood Apology
In the fight against dehumanization, both progressives and conservatives miss the mark.
How Can Christians Stand Against Abortion During the Biden Administration?
Advocates offer strategies to uphold the sanctity of the unborn even without the support of Congress and the White House.
The Pro-Life Project Has a Playbook: Racial Justice History
The anti-racism campaign is a model for the anti-abortion movement.
Deathbed Apology: Norma McCorvey’s Pro-Life Friends Tell Another Story
What the ‘AKA Jane Roe’ documentary gets wrong.
After Stillbirth, Families Search for Dignity
A growing industry in perinatal care allows parents a proper goodbye.
Roe v. Wade: CT’s Response Over the Decades
Highlights from our archives.
Abortion Regret Isn’t a Myth, Despite New Study
What women may refuse to disclose to researchers at a clinic, they’re confessing in Bible studies decades later.
Planned Parenthood Wins $2.2M Suit Against Pro-Life Investigators
The jury said the undercover activists who exposed the organization’s sale of fetal parts could not use journalism as a defense.
Planned Parenthood Drops Title X Funding Over Abortion
UPDATE: Trump administration upholds Title X funding cuts for abortion providers.
Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Clinics Have the Same Adoption Referral Rate: 1%
Why adoption has become a less popular option.
Pro-Lifers Aren’t Hypocrites
The concerted effort to end abortion is much more diverse and holistic than it gets credit for.
How Can Today’s Pro-Life Christians Build Trust in the Movement?
Four leaders share their vision for what demonstrating pro-life convictions really looks like.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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