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Asian American Theologian: Our ‘Culture’ Is Not to Blame
When it comes to the community’s response to trauma and anxiety, Daniel D. Lee calls for a closer look at the dynamics of racism and the migrant experience.
Faith Leaders, Let's Embrace the Racial/Ethnic Identity of Young People of Color
Young BIPOC don't leave their ethnic/racial identity at the door when they walk into their places of worship—and they don’t want to.
Where Ya From?Episode 42|1 hr
Repairing the Sins of the Past with Duke Kwon
How being willing to let go and learn from others allows us to repair broken relationships.
Can Westerners Atone for Their Sins Without Breeding Resentment and Ingratitude?
An imaginary soirée with Douglas Murray, the Christian-friendly agnostic author of "The War on the West".
Hope Dealers: 8 Leadership Principles Learned From Serving Youth on the Margins
The founder of Four Corners Group shares how his organization unlocks potential and helps underserved youth flourish.
Identifying—and Challenging—Our Biases
As a general rule, we can only do better when we know better. We only know better when we lean in, listen, reflect, and grow.
Where Ya From?Episode 39|1 hr 1min
Healing Racial Trauma with Sheila Wise Rowe
Seeing the Lord’s ultimate healing power through experiences of pain and suffering.
What the Black Church Can Teach Us About Lent
Majority white churches can learn from the spiritual practices Black believers have cultivated for centuries.
Beware Drawing Bright Lines Between Evangelical and Ecumenical Protestants
The divisions between these “parties” are important. So are the divisions within them.
Buffalo Survivors to Shooter: ‘You Will Not Escape the Fury of the Almighty’
At Wednesday's sentencing hearing, family members quote Scripture and evoke God's vengeance and mercy.
A LUV Talk on Black History
When LUV (Listening, Understanding, Validating) talk engages with the conviction that context matters, it paves the way for an authentic conversation with Black history.
David Platt: We Take the Gospel to the Nations, as the Nations
The Great Commission strikes at the heart of an Americanized gospel.
A Mighty Controversy Is This Lutheran Catechism
The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod resumes distribution of new annotated volume after detractors push back on essays.
Dear White Brothers and Sisters: Let's Acknowledge Our Defensiveness and Learn From It
Real reconciliation demands a willingness to be changed by the power of the cross. This cannot happen without pain and sacrifice.
The Bulletin Episode 12|50min
Mind The Gap
Tyre Nichols and our failure to love, mushrooms and the search for God, and Dr. Phil heads for the exit.
Por que a cor da pele de Jesus importa
O fato de ele ser de uma minoria étnica molda como ministramos hoje.
The Image of God in ‘Invisible Man’
Ralph Ellison’s novel depicts the quest for personal dignity in a society determined to deny it.
The Church Was Meant to Enjoy Its Diversity, Not Wish It Away.
America is set to be minority white by 2045. Evangelicals need to stop thinking that’s a bad thing.
A Southern Baptist Pastor’s Plea: Please Listen
Why Johnny Hunt’s “restoration” convinces me we don’t have ears to hear.
Love in a Time of Social Conflict
The cross calls us to sacrificial community, especially during a divided age.

Top Story June 4, 2024

Pakistani Christians Accused of Blasphemy Found Not Guilty
Pakistani Christians Accused of Blasphemy Found Not Guilty
And other brief news from believers around the world.

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