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10,000 Syrian Refugees Headed for the United States
World Relief says US churches are ready to assist refugees after Obama approves major increase for 2016.
Above All Evil: God’s Purposes Through the Wild, Weird Arc of History
The unlikely rescue of Jews in China points to a Power beyond our understanding.
Franklin Graham’s Call to End Muslim Immigration Could Backfire
More churches only want to work with Christian refugees. But limits on Muslims could hurt Mideast Christians too.
Why Christians Are Fleeing One of Africa's Oldest and Largest Christian Homelands
Beyond the search for a better life, evangelicals and Orthodox in Ethiopia increasingly share even more.
Sister Momeka: Liberate Christian Lands from ISIS
(UPDATED) After State Department approves visit, nun tells US congressmen that Iraqi Christians wish to return home.
13 Million Flee Religion-Linked Conflicts Worldwide
Federal agency calls for US to resettle at least 100,000 refugees per year.
Muslim Migrants Throw Christians Overboard into Mediterranean
Religion involved for first time in common yet deadly sea crossings from Africa to Italy.
Facing ISIS, Middle Eastern Evangelicals Exchange Strategies
Christians meet with Sunni Islam's top leader, test other responses to extremists.
Mosul Christian: Thanks for Changing Your #WeAreN Photo
Believers in Iraq rally around label that forced them out of their homes and churches.
Mosul's Last Christians Flee Iraq's Hoped-For Christian Stronghold
(UPDATED) Historic community comes to 'a real end' after ISIS ultimatum tells Christians to convert, pay tax, or die.
New Poverty-Fighting Alliance Launches
World Relief, Germany-based PartnerAid combine to grow programs, donor base.
Road to Damascus Wasn't Enough: Apostle Paul Questions Nearly Get Christian Deported
Asylum seekers keep getting denied for not knowing enough about Christianity. But judges keep giving them a second chance.
Syria's Refugee Crisis Worst since Rwanda Genocide
At Jordan border, Christians turn out in force to provide help and hope.
Many of 250 Drowned Migrants Were African Christians Fleeing Persecution
So reports World Watch Monitor on the tragic Lampedusa shipwreck off Italian island.
Why We Send Our Kids to the Poorest Public School
It's not just my own kids' well-being that matters anymore.
Marching to Town Hall with Refugees and Immigrants
How my community stood up for the vulnerable.
Saved by My Refugee Neighbors
How a group of Asian immigrants took a privileged, wandering guy into their family and embraced me.
Chased by Grace
After fleeing her own broken life, Sarah Thebarge learned to see God's image in her refugee neighbors.
Gleanings: June 2013
Important developments in the church and the world.
Meeting Refugees on the Roofs of Richmond
How a new housing ministry is welcoming the newly arrived.

Top Story June 18, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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