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Думки американських євангельських християн щодо України розділилися
Кандидати від Республіканської партії пропонують потенційним виборцям взаємовиключні аргументи.
Мнения американских евангельских христиан по Украине разделились
Кандидаты от Республиканской партии предлагают потенциальным избирателям взаимоисключающие доводы.
How to Combat the Conflict Entrepreneurs
Pugilists can only succeed where there are willing customers. All of us can resolve to invest elsewhere.
The Bulletin Episode 51|52min
Power Is a Heckuva Drug
IHOP’s Mike Bickle faces abuse charges, Bobby Knight dies, and Mike Pence bows out.
The Bulletin Episode 49
There’s Someone on The Wing!
Why we love scary movies, a new Speaker takes his seat, and women need a raise.
Evangelical Mike Johnson ‘Raised Up’ as House Speaker
After weeks of jockeying in Congress, Republicans voted in the Bible-quoting Louisiana Southern Baptist.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 77|41min
Christianity’s Being Co-opted with Tobias Cremer
The author and researcher talks populism and the power of identity.
Trump-Era Controversies Had a Measurable Effect on Church Attendance
Politically moderate and left-leaning evangelicals appear to be most impacted.
American Evangelicals Divide over Ukraine
Republican candidates make competing arguments to potential voters.
The Bulletin Episode 43|1 hr 1min
Who Ya Gonna Call?
Candidates debate, PEPFAR languishes, and the Hispanic church grows.
The Problem with Anti-Anti-Christian Nationalism
Moderate Christian nationalists shouldn't be smeared. But neither should extremism be defended.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 71|31min
Jake Tapper Says Reality Is Stranger than Fiction
The CNN anchor and novelist joins Moore to discuss faith, fiction, and former presidents.
The Bulletin Episode 38|39min
Nothing Compares 2 U
Presidential hopefuls debate, Trump talks to Tucker, and Daniel shares what’s weird.
White Evangelicals Aren’t Sure About Ramaswamy. But for Indian American Christians, He’s a No-Go.
The former like the young billionaire’s conservative politics. The latter worry about his connections to radical Hinduism.
What a Twitter Spat Reveals about Public Religion in America
A Republican lawmaker called a Christian tweet “bigoted.” Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar came to religious liberty’s defense.
For Some Christians, Ohio’s Issue 1 Wasn’t All About Abortion
Not all Christians in Ohio agreed on how to approach the referendum, which aimed to raise the threshold for passing constitutional amendments.
Legal Advocates Eye Next Big Victory for Religious Liberty
After a string of victories at the Supreme Court, focus turns to one major precedent that could be overturned.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 62|46min
Your Questions on Apologetics, Politics, and Johnny Cash
Russell and producer Ashley Hales respond to listeners.
The Bulletin Episode 27|53min
You’re Gonna Need A Bigger Ballot
GOP presidential candidates offer weak hope and a new anti-LBGTQ law shakes up Uganda.
The Bulletin Episode 24|1 hr 1min
Lights, Camera, Acting
Town hall carnival, the state of the Republican Party, and the killing of Jordan Neely.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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