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Quick To ListenEpisode 204|52min
Christians Responded to Contagious Diseases with Compassion
When Roman governments didn’t have a coordinated response to plagues, the church stepped up.
The Culture Wars Are Ancient History
Today’s fights over the religion in the public square are replays of fights from two thousand years ago.
Heard the One About the Jewish Man, the Roman Demon, and the Gentile Pigs?
Exploring the multiple meanings behind a New Testament “political cartoon.”
Is It Time for American Christians to Disobey the Government?
When to practice civil disobedience.
How the Early Church Made Peace with Prosperity
As the early church grew in wealth and stature, it displaced existing Roman models of caring for the poor.
The Vindication of Constantine
The much maligned emperor receives a much needed makeover. A review of 'Defending Constantine.'
Europe's Past Is Today's Hope
Rome won't cede the continent to secularists without a fight.
Rome's Battle for the Bible
Synod of Bishops revisits inerrancy compromise reached at Vatican II.
Gregory the Great
"Servant of the Servants of God"
Leo I
Pope and international diplomat
Theodosius I
Emperor who made Christianity "the" Roman religion
Ghosts of the Temple
Soon after Jerusalem fell, the Roman Colosseum went up. Coincidence?
Glorified Gore
Gladiator sets the tone in Rome pretty accurately but stumbles on lots of historical details.
Roman, Lend Me Your Ear
To Every Tribe
Early missionaries laid the groundwork for mass movements to Christ among the minority peoples of China.
Caught Between Rome and Beijing
Chinese Catholics have endured devastating division in the past century.
From the Archives: Nero's Cruelties
An account from Roman historian Tacitus (C. 115)
Not One Stone Left Upon Another
The catastrophic fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 forever changed the face of Judaism—and the fate of Christians in the Holy Land.
Bush Discusses Iraq and AIDS With Pope in First Meeting
At Easter message, Benedict XVI had lamented, "nothing positive comes out of Iraq."

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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