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Worship in the Early Church: Did You Know?
Little-known or remarkable facts about worship in the early church
The Accidental Revolutionary
In his quest for spiritual peace, Luther had no idea he'd leave his world in turmoil.
The Decisive Documents of 1520
After Luther published these three works, there was no turning back.
The Army Mother
With her bright mind and powerful speaking abilities, Catherine Booth emerged as one of the most influential women in modern religious history.
From the Archives: A Letter From the Poor Lombards to the Poor of Lyons Who Are in Germany (1218)
This letter was sent from Lombardy to Lyons to express the outcome of an early meeting, which was held in Bergamo, Italy, between members of two separate Waldensian groups. Though the two groups differed in their approaches to the life of The Poor, the outcome of the meeting was a "new sense of unity."* [* Some descriptions used in these Archives are derived from those given in the text of Giorgio Tourn's You Are My Witnesses. These documents are taken from Tourn's book.]
From the Archives: Subjects Discussed at the Meeting at Angrogna
(or, the Confession of Chanforan) 1532
Journey to Wittenberg
In late November 1525, Schwenckfeld traveled almost 100 miles on horseback from Liegnitz to Wittenberg the fountainhead of the reform movement, and met with Martin Luther and some of his Wittenberg colleagues.
What is Eastern Orthodoxy Anyway?
It's being much-mentioned and much-lauded during all the millennial celebrations, but what, really, is this Christian faith that's so unfamiliar to most Western Protestants? Here's an introduction.
The Life and Times of John Calvin
As Shakespeare wrote, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." John Calvin was certainly not born great.

Top Story June 13, 2024

Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
From a wider slate of six candidates, president Clint Pressley takes the “strange honor” of leading the convention’s growing factions toward missional unity.

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