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Public Grievance
Calvin Seminary's first female professor alleges sex discrimination.
Packer Stomp
Beeson Divinity School hosts a tribute to J. I. Packer.
Class Warfare
Virginia megachurch sues county for barring theology courses.
Former RCA Seminary President Suspended from Ministry
Plus: Evangelicals aren't all the same, Billy in NYC, Ralph Reed, Terri Schiavo, religious freedom and other stories from online sources around the world.
Two Cheers for the Vatican
Evangelicals generally support Roman Catholic decision on gay seminarians.
A Time to Rebuild
Ravaged New Orleans seminary vows to return to urban site.
Sri Lanka Bible College Aiding Victims, Churches
More than 30,000 of island nation's 20 million people dead.
Security Gaffes
Evangelical schools worry over post-9/11 visa rules.
The Day God Settled the ‘Bible Question’ for Billy Graham
At stake was nothing less than the reliability of Scripture.
Breaking Into Prison
A gospel invasion helps bring peace to one of the nation's most violent penitentiaries.
The New Capital of Evangelicalism
"Move over, Wheaton and Colorado Springs—Dallas, Texas, has more megachurches, megaseminaries, and mega-Christian activity than any other American city."
Back from Bulgaria
Re-engineering the Seminary?
Crisis of credibility forces change.
The Coming Clergy Dearth
Fuller Seminary Cancels Course on Signs and Wonders
Can Seminaries Adapt to the Student of the '80s?
Four seminary presidents on "second careers" and a growing partnership with the local church.
Speaking for God
Letter to a Seminarian
Mental Honesty and Seminary Recruitment

Top Story June 14, 2024

PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
The author of the bestseller died last year. The investigation will determine if the book is appropriate for Christians.

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