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Compel Them to Come In
An earnest evangelistic appeal from the Prince of Preachers
Charles Spurgeon and the Case for Child Care
Spurgeon’s vision for needs-based care still persists today.
Charles H. Spurgeon: A Gallery of Famous Friends
Eric W. Hayden, formerly minister at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, is the author of numerous books on Spurgeon, including Searchlight on Spurgeon (Pilgrim, 1973).
1738 John & Charles Wesley Experience Conversions
They were ordained ministers and missionaries. Then their hearts were "strangely warmed," and their changed lives gave rise to a worldwide movement.
1963 Martin Luther King, Jr. Leads the March on Washington
A Baptist preacher had a dream that guided one of the most profound social movements of our times.
The Piety of the Persecutors
In the Roman mind, there were valid religious reasons to halt the spread of Christianity.
The Faith Behind the Famous: Charles Dickens
Some of his novels mercilessly lampoon Christians. Yet the great Victorian author also wrote a reverent account of Jesus' life.
In Darkest England and the Way Out
Selections from William Booth's bold proposal for eliminating poverty
Life in the Army Today
Contemporary officers continue the mission of William and Catherine Booth.
Christmas Kettles
The history behind a Yuletide institution
William and Catherine Booth: Recommended Resources
The Booths, their children, and The Salvation Army have all received extensive study, so only a small portion of available works can be listed here. Works are listed alphabetically by title within each category. Asterisks denote those available through The Salvation Army (see addresses below).
In Darkest England
Exactly one hundred years ago, William Booth published a dramatic, detailed plan for ending unemployment and overcoming poverty.
The General
William Booth was born in economic and spiritual poverty, yet he founded a worldwide organization dedicated to their eradication.
William Booth's Theology of Redemption
The General's view of sanctification, the kingdom of God, and salvation moved his Army to action.
How Moody Changed Revivalism
The evangelist converted mass evangelism.
A Friend in the Lord Protector
Oliver Cromwell and the Effort to Save the Waldensians

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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