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Christians in the Age of Callout Culture
How Christians lost the benefit of the doubt—and why we need to find the good in each other again.
Jesus Came to Proclaim Good News to the Poor. But Now They’re Leaving Church.
The income gap in the US corresponds with a church attendance gap.
Baptist College Handbook Authorizes ‘Full Access’ to Students’ Social Media Accounts
Campus policies at schools like Louisiana College stir debate over whether regulating personal posts protects students or silences criticism.
Study: Babylon Bee’s Satire Gets Shared by People Who Think It’s Real
The truth is, parsing political parody on the internet isn’t straightforward.
Americans Now Have Less Faith in Tech Than Church
Christians hope to address the ethical concerns raised as the country grows more skeptical of Big Tech.
Want More Christian Influence? Get Off Facebook And Talk To Actual People
We can be loud, or we can be heard. We can seldom do both.
What It’s Like When Your Wife Is ‘Christian Famous’
Hearing from the husbands of some of our favorite authors, teachers, and ministry leaders.
17 Steps For Writers and Speakers To Catch The Attention Of Publishers And Conferences
Publishers and conferences are always looking for good content. Here’s what I’ve learned about creating something they need.
The Growing Danger Of Assigning Guilt By Association
How can we effect change if we can’t find common ground with people who see things differently?
The Call to Self-Discipline in a Media-Saturated Age
Our society is addicted to spectacle. How do we keep our eyes are fixed on Christ?
Welcome to Church. Want to Take a Selfie?
With photo booths for special occasions, Instagram-friendly congregations navigate the tension between sharing faith and showing off.
The Rise of Conversational Churches
Why a growing number of congregations are taking deliberate steps to relearn the habit of talking together.
Waiting Time Isn’t Wasted Time
As technology makes the world go faster, life’s little delays feel increasingly intolerable. Why we shouldn’t be in such a rush to get rid of them.
Who Says Social Media Can’t Make You Wise?
Done right, Facebook offers a chance for discernment and connection.
Transhumanism and the Cult of ‘Better, Faster, Stronger’
Why the church should resist technologies that aim to liberate us from ordinary, embodied life.
4 Questions To Consider Before Commenting On A Controversial Subject
If I can cut through the clutter, I’ll speak up. If I’m just adding to it, I’ll stay quiet.
Free Apps and Websites Any Church Can Use To Organize, Promote And Do More Creative Ministry
If your church is small and your budget is non-existent, new technology may seem out of reach. But it’s not.
Being Salt and Light in the Middle of a Twitter Mob
Social media can be a dark and divisive place. That doesn’t mean we should simply withdraw.
Fixing Our Privacy Settings
Why Christians should worry less about protecting their information and think more about giving it away.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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