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From the Rise of the ‘Nones’ to the Indifference of the ‘Never Weres’
A sociologist observes the changing tides of American antireligion.
O surgimento do evangélico herege
Mesmo entre fiéis, a ortodoxia cristã está sendo deixada em segundo plano e colocada atrás do tribalismo cultural e político.
We Still Need the Nuclear Family
Married parents and their kids have a calling that needs to be expanded, not obliterated.
The Rise of the Evangelical Heretic
Even among the faithful, Christian orthodoxy has taken a backseat to cultural and political tribalism.
Died: Rodney Stark, Sociologist Who Said Religion Is a Rational Choice
His theories of conversion and competition shaped widely held views of church growth and decline.
The Curious Case of Coronavirus Contagion in Church
Pandemic impact was not as predictable as expected, sociological study finds.
Why Theologians Aren’t as Excited About Chinese Christianity’s Growth as Sociologists
Success for the church looks different depending on your discipline.
Aprendamos a amar a nuestro prójimo con todo y sus miedos
No todos sentimos los mismos miedos, pero la sabiduría de las Escrituras es la misma para todos.
Baby Blues: How to Face the Church’s Growing Fertility Crisis
If current rates continue, most religious communities in America will shrink by more than half within three generations. But nondenominational Christianity might buck the trend.
Single, Evangelical Women Are Counting the Cost of Staying in Church
A sociologist explores some of the factors driving them away, but her “accrued resentments” get in the way of a fair picture.
Aprendendo a amar os medos do nosso próximo
Não temos todos os mesmos medos. Mas a sabedoria das Escrituras pode ser aplicada a todos nós.
Learning to Love Our Neighbor’s Fears
We aren’t all equally afraid of the same things. But Scripture’s wisdom can apply to all of us.
Don’t Ignore Race. Or Alienate White People.
Sociologist George Yancey outlines an alternative to colorblindness and antiracism.
How ‘Christian’ Overtook the ‘Protestant’ Label
When given the option, most younger believers go for a broader term.
Research: Religious Americans Less Likely to Divorce
Recent data suggests that faithful young adults can marry in their 20s without increasing the risk of separation.
Parents Set the Pace for Their Adult Children’s Religious Life
“Handing Down the Faith” shows a vast majority of Americans don’t choose their religious beliefs. They inherit them.
Research Roundup: 6 Takeaways on the Goodness of Gratitude
More and more scholars are studying the practice of giving thanks. Here's what they have to say.
Duke University Study Finds More Sin in the Rain
Embezzlement, drug use, and other crimes go up when church attendance goes down.

Top Story June 1, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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