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The Unbearable Pressure to Do Great Things for the Lord
My quest for significance left me anxious and deflated.
CT Pastors’ Top 17 Articles of 2017
This year’s best practical solutions and stories of ministry failure, temptation, and encouragement.
Don’t Try To Be Successful, Try To Do Good Work
A minister with a well-nourished soul may or may not have a big church, but they’ll always have a healthy ministry.
Is A Successful Small Church An Oxymoron?
If we hope to overcome the perception that “successful small church” is an oxymoron, we have to redefine success the way Jesus did.
Confessions of a Former ‘It’ Church Pastor
We were the hottest church in our area. Then everything imploded.
5 Passages Your Pastor Wishes You'd Stop Taking out of Context
How we get them wrong and what church leaders can do about it.
People Aren't Projects
...and other lessons I learned as a rural pastor.
Why Moral Failure Happens When Ministry Is Going Great
7 characteristics of success that can lead to adultery.
We Are Called to Be Faithful, Not Successful
As my pastorate crumbled around me, I learned what God truly expects of us.
A Dying Pastor Reflects on His Legacy
With less than a month to live, Buddy Hoffman discusses the highs and lows of 40 years in ministry.
The Folly of Trying to Measure Success In Christ’s 'First Shall Be Last' Kingdom
We need to measure what we can manage, but let’s not fall into the trap of thinking we have more control than we do.
We Were Seduced by Power
Five pastors confess their temptations to manipulate, control, and cling to worldly significance.
3 Ways Some Churches Grow Without Getting Bigger
Butts-in-the-seats growth is great. But it’s not going to happen for every church. That's never a reason to give up, coast along, or offer excuses.
Slay the Beast of Ambition before It Slays You
3 ministry proverbs to quell competition and cultivate humility.
What Does a Healthy Small Church Look Like?
Numbers can help us understand some things about the health of a church. But they’re not the only thing.
Neither Jew nor Greek … Republican nor Democrat
Mark Batterson on leading a church in our nation’s capital during a divisive election season.
We’re Not Getting Any Younger
Our culture loves youth and fears age. Here’s what faith has to say.
Why Successful Churches Aren’t Turning the World Upside-Down – But the Outcasts Might
Where are the Christian innovators who will put a dangerous passion for Jesus ahead of personal ministry success?
Epidemic: Another Pastor Burned Out and Quit Last Sunday
The pain of one pastor is intensified under the unforgiving glare of the spotlight, while the pain of another is ignored. Both hurt equally.
Perry Noble, NewSpring Church and Our Obsession with Numbers
Our numbers obsession continues to leave victims in its wake. Now Perry Noble and the tens of thousands of members of NewSpring church are on the list of walking wounded.

Top Story June 13, 2024

Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
From a wider slate of six candidates, president Clint Pressley takes the “strange honor” of leading the convention’s growing factions toward missional unity.

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