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How I Stopped Feeling Embarrassed by My Small Church
They knew the church was small, but they came anyway. Maybe they came because it was small.
Small ≠ Broken: 5 Steps to Greatness In a Small Church
You don’t need one more person, one more dollar or one more square foot of building to start being a great church.
Why Church Growth Is a Shockingly Inexact Science
Have you ever wondered why some mistakes will stop the numerical growth of one church, but not even slow another one down?
27 Benefits of Putting an Expiration Date On New Ministries In Your Church
Here's a great way open your church up to innovative new ideas by minimizing the risk – or at least the sting – of failure.
15 Surprising, Tweetable Truths About Church Growth and Size
Are you interested in church growth? Do you like Twitter? Then you'll love these. Even if you don't agree with all of them.
4 Signs Your Church May Not Need Small Groups
When it comes to small groups, what works for big churches may not work for small churches.
Tired of the Show: Why the Church Can't (and Shouldn't) Compete with Hollywood
No one is leaving church because we're not putting on a good enough show. They're looking for something else entirely.
Redefined Success
I thought it was counselor-speak for lowering standards and settling for less. It's not.
I Ran a Successful Business, Why Can't I Run a Successful Church? (6 Reasons)
Successful businesses and successful churches have some similarities. But they have far more differences.
Dave Gibbons: Are your Metrics a Little Off?
Investing in the power of one.
John Mancuso: Relational Success in the Workplace
Your workplace can be a hub for relational ministry.
Feeding the Flock In a Count-the-Sheep Culture
Is it possible to find success in ministry outside the church growth numbers? It depends who gets the credit.
Bigger Fixes Nothing (7 Unexpected Steps Toward Church Health)
What two reality TV shows taught me about bringing innovation, health, and joy to broken churches and pastors.
Divine Fist Bump
Mind the Gap: When Your Next Church Growth Step Is a Giant Leap
Redefining church growth and ministry success on this side of a church growth gap.
The Age of Ambition
Our focus on reaching more people could take our attention away from those God has placed in our midst.
Two Lists: One for a Healthy Church, One for a Big Church - And They Don’t Overlap
The list of ingredients for a healthy church is short and simple. The list for a big church is large and complex. We need to know the difference.
The Big Ask: Another No-Fault Reason Most Churches Will Never Be Mega
Most pastors can't make The Big Ask. Thankfully, it's not needed for a healthy church.
In It for the Long Haul
Forget metrics. The pastor's job is to find success when it's invisible.
When HotChurch Came to Town
It did something to me, especially on the inside.

Top Story June 13, 2024

Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
From a wider slate of six candidates, president Clint Pressley takes the “strange honor” of leading the convention’s growing factions toward missional unity.

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