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These States Are Devouring Widows’ Houses
A recent Supreme Court case reveals the injustice of property-tax debt forfeiture.
When Can a Ministry Count as a Church?
In the case of the Family Research Council, it depends on if you ask the IRS or the US Religion Census.
Synod Votes to Simplify, Clarify Cross-Borders Relationship of the Christian Reformed Church
Task force proposal promises to help US and Canadian congregations work together more easily.
Churches Still Depend on Clergy Housing Allowance
Despite recent legal cases and reports of greedy abuses, experts say the longstanding benefit remains safe.
What Joe Biden Puts in the Collection Plate
Tax records show gifts to three churches, two religious charities, a food bank, and more.
No Friend of Tax Collectors
Churches are tax exempt for good reason. Anything else would be disastrous.
What A Church Does, in Dollars and Cents
A sociologist explains a congregation's contributions to the local economy.
The Hidden Cost of Tax Exemption
Churches may someday lose their tax-exempt status. Would that be as bad as it sounds?
Many Europeans Happy to Pay Tax to Churches They Don’t Attend
Pew finds a majority in six Western European countries are content to pay their “church tax” to support the common good.
Pastor Parking Paves the Way for Controversial Church Taxes
Some congregations will file taxes for the first time to comply with a new 21 percent tax on employee parking.
Isaac Backus: An 18th-Century Evangelical with 21st-Century Wisdom
On questions of race, religious liberty, and political power, the Baptist preacher should be our guiding light.
Holy Sepulchre Will Reopen After Jerusalem Suspends Church Tax Grab
Leader of Christian-Jewish reconciliation ministry explains the standoff.
Jerusalem Christians Unite ... to Close Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Against centuries of precedent, Holy City authorities pursue $186 million in church taxes.
Christian Parents and Schools Have 529 Reasons to Like New Tax Law
A Q+A on how college savings plans can now be used to pay for private K-12 tuition.
Big Families May Get Bigger Tax Bills Under New Plan
But evangelicals cheer higher child tax credit and preserved adoption credit.
Johnson Amendment Repeal Removed from Final GOP Tax Bill
(UPDATED) Trump promise to let churches make political endorsements blocked by Senate rule.
Why #GivingTuesday Donations Could Drop Dramatically Next Year
Evangelical leaders warn of ‘devastating’ impact of GOP tax plan on the charitable deduction.
Adoption Tax Credit Saved by Both House and Senate
Republicans heed evangelical outcry on tax reform.
GOP Tax Reform Recognizes Unborn Babies as Beneficiaries
Conservative Christians respond also to proposed changes on adoption credits and pulpit politics.
Atheists Again Get Pastors’ Best Benefit Ruled Unconstitutional
Freedom From Religion Foundation wins first round of rematch over $800 million clergy housing allowance.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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