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Not So Fast
Some New Hampshire Christians don't buy candidate's excuse for losing
A Crack in the Wall
Two recent books help explain Thomas Jefferson's intent for separation of church and state.
Evangelistic Circus in a Box
Festival con Dios links with Palau organization to expand work of proclamation
Election Day Jitters
Low voter turnout may hinder profamily agenda
Breakaway Church Can Keep Property
Court ruling could initiate examination of denomination and church bylaws
The USCIRF Is Only Cursing the Darkness
The increasingly irrelevant U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom seems intent on attacking even those countries making improvements.
Churches vs. Homeowners
Legal experts assess last week's appeals court decision that houses of worship may be incompatible with a place of quiet seclusion.
Just War, Just Nation?
World War II preacher points America back to the nation's soul
"Cloning: President's Council on Bioethics recommends a partial ban, disappointing some conservatives"
President's Council on Bioethics recommends a four-year moratorium on research cloning
"Southern Baptists: Interfaith activity will cost D.C. Convention $476,000 in denominational funding."
"SBC pulls support, saying interfaith gatherings were harmful"
Evolving standards: Intelligent Design advocates ask Ohio to broaden origins discussion in public schools
Opponents say the movement is trying to do an end run around science
Transcending Security
The rightful fear of anthrax is not the beginning of wisdom
"Children First, Schools Next"
Christian parents should not face social stigma for removing kids from public schools
God's Funeral
What will keep faith from nearly disappearing in America?
Ten Things We Should Have Learned Since September 11, 2001
We can't turn a blind eye to Islam, evangelism, heroism, and our Christian calling
Deliverance on the 81 st Floor
On 9/11, Stanley Praimnath and Sujo John called out to God from inside the World Trade Center
Beyond Broken Beams
A chaplain at Ground Zero talks about his role in a bigger story being told by a creator who deals in restoration
Seeing Light After the Smoky Darkness of the Trade Towers Collapse
The spiritual war against terrorism is the war against the sinful heart and its allegiances
9/11, History, and the True Story
Wartime authors J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis help put 9/11 in perspective.
Christian Leaders Respond to Bush's National Security Strategy
The White House outlines foreign policy in a changing world

Top Story June 3, 2024

Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
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