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Lost Missions
Whatever happened to the idea of rescuing people from hell?
Rick Warren: 'You Can't Put New Wine in Old Wineskins'
Denomination's most prominent pastor on Bob Reccord's resignation.
Appreciate Our Efforts
Don't patronize or belittle Rwandan Christians committed to progress.
Politically Driven Injustice
Fixing global poverty requires more than Rick Warren's PEACE plan.
Warren, Hybels Urge Churches to Wage 'War on AIDS'
Hundreds of evangelicals attending Disturbing Voices conference repent, refocus on outreach to outcasts.
Hunting the Big Gazelle
Why Rick Warren may succeed where others failed.
Purpose Driven in Rwanda
Rick Warren's sweeping plan to defeat poverty.
Forget Your Bliss
The success of The Purpose-Driven Life reveals a cultural opportunity.
A Purpose-Driven Postponement
Rick Warren's latest book delayed as he takes care of his sick wife and rapidly growing church.
A Regular Purpose-Driven Guy
Rick Warren's genius is in helping pastors see the obvious

Top Story June 18, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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