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Finding My Place in The Gospel Coalition
Where do women belong in complementarian organizations?
Abortion Pill Reversal Allows Women to Change Their Minds—and Saves Lives
Progesterone dose reverses mifepristone effects. Critics dismiss it as ‘junk science.’
One-Child Policy Tweak Fails in China
There are 116 boys to 100 girls nationwide. Forced abortions, sterilizations are still widespread.
Is It Worth It to #LeanInTogether?
A new Leanin.org campaign challenges men to share professional and family responsibilities for the sake of the common good.
The Celebrity Writer who Changed the World
An interview with Karen Swallow Prior about Hannah More's legacy as a writer, activist, and educator
Fighting Sexism Like a 'Fair Lady'
What the 50-year-old film reminds us about the power of strong-willed women.
Microfinance Is a Women’s Issue
How our philanthropy can empower our sisters across the globe.
Whatever Happened to Wonder Woman?
Modern female superheroes barely stand for anything. It wasn’t always this way.
The Myth of the Exceptional Woman
The false premise that divides women who lead from women who might.
Hope for More Diverse Conference Lineups
How our exposure to minority voices can lead to greater shifts in the church.
Why Do We Still Need Women’s Conferences?
Q cofounder explains the purpose behind gathering as women.
Christine Caine, Liberty University to Launch ‘Lean In’-Type Program for Christian Women
Propel calls on the church to equip and validate working women.
Why Men Should Read Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In
Change depends upon women and men working together to transform the social structures of work and family life.
When Missions Opportunities Aren’t Pretty
The topics that make us uncomfortable can spur the church to action.
The Heart of the Gendercide Problem
What the church can do to address the issues underlying global violence against women.
Something's Wrong for Our Sisters
Beneath the stereotype of the angry black woman is an overlooked vulnerability.
Who You Calling Brusque?
Speak boldly and carry a red pen: A fellow female editor on Jill Abramson's firing
Worthy of Our Wages
Giving millennial women the faith to negotiate.
How Female Farmers Could Solve the Hunger Crisis
Fighting gender inequity in global farming.
The Feminists We Forgot
Betty Friedan did not start the “woman movement;” Christians did.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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