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Defining ‘Woman’ Starts with Humanity, Not Femaleness
The debate about the “second sex” brings us back to biology, humility, and Genesis 1.
The Poet Who Prepared the Ground for the Sexual Revolution
Percy Shelley’s 19th-century attacks on marriage, monogamy, and Christianity foreshadowed progressive attitudes today.
Side B Christians Like Me Are An Asset Not a Threat
Same-sex-attracted believers pay the cost of discipleship every day. Our witness needs to be heard.
Eu nunca me tornei heterossexual. Talvez esse nunca tenha sido o objetivo de Deus.
Por que abracei a ética sexual da Bíblia antes de entendê-la.
What Stand-Up Comedians Can Teach the Church
Good comedy is strange and surprising. So is the gospel.
Ghana Churches Push Law to Combat Promotion of Homosexuality
Parliament is set to debate a controversial bill that would increase sentences for same-sex relationships and ban advocacy rights groups.
In Prayer, We Are Fully Seen and Fully Known
How intimacy with God fuels Meg Baatz’s ministry among same-sex-attracted and LGBT peers.
The Things We Do To Women
When churches use sexuality to foster and motivate male commitment, women find themselves on the losing end.
British City Apologizes for Removing Franklin Graham Ads
Updated: Evangelist celebrates “important movement for religious freedom in the UK.”
J’ai été ordonnée pour parler de Jésus. Pas pour débattre des femmes pasteurs.
En tant que prêtresse, je suis fatiguée d'une bataille politique qui détourne notre attention de l'Évangile.
Christian College Boards: Stay Strong on Sexual Ethics
CCCU schools are facing intense pressure. But it’s an opportunity, not a siege.
CCCU Says LGBT Lawsuit Is Frivolous
Evangelical association names itself as co-defendant to defend religious exemptions.
I Got Ordained So I Can Talk About Jesus. Not the Female Pastor Debate.
As a priest, I’m tired of a political battle that distracts from the gospel.
Les questions d’identité de genre ne doivent pas nous effrayer
Preston Sprinkle propose des orientations pour penser de manière biblique et écouter avec amour.
In a Post-Christian Culture, There’s No Good Way Around Being the ‘Baddies’
If we have to wear the villain label, we can at least wear it with calmness, confidence, and joy.
Quick To ListenEpisode 260|1 hr 11min
Why the Transgender Conversation Is Changing
New bans for surgeries and student sports aren't the most dramatic changes in gender identity.
Gender-Identity Conversations Don’t Have to Be Scary
Preston Sprinkle gives guidance on thinking biblically and listening in love.
The Triumph of the Sexual Revolution Seems Stunningly Swift. But Its Roots Go Back Centuries.
Carl Trueman maps out the revolutionary shifts that made it possible, then plausible, then actual.
Don’t Overstate the Rewards of Sexual Faithfulness. Don’t Understate Them Either.
The false promises of purity culture shouldn’t overshadow the true promises of God.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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