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Why ‘Cuties’ Isn’t Just Netflix’s Problem
The sexual exploitation of children is a symptom of a larger disease—one that we’re complicit in.
Secular Faiths Are Remaking the American Religious Landscape
Tara Isabella Burton’s report on the ascendance of “Remixed” spirituality is equal parts fascinating and dismaying.
Brethren Against Brethren: LGBT Fight Divides Peace Church
Departing congregations want stricter enforcement of official positions.
John Ortberg’s Church Says ‘No Evidence of Misconduct’ As More Details Emerge
Megachurch pastor’s son named as the volunteer who confessed sexual attraction to children.
A cura para o complementarismo deu errado
A escritora Aimee Byrd repensa o movimento “masculinidade bíblica e feminilidade”.
Don’t Scoff at ‘Social Justice.’ Don’t Anchor Yourself to It, Either.
Today’s progressive activists have plenty in common with the biblical prophets. But some differences are too vast to ignore.
LGBT Rights Ruling Isn’t the Beginning of the End for Religious Liberty
Social conservatives liked Neil Gorsuch before they didn’t. Maybe they were right the first time.
The Cure for Complementarianism Gone Wrong
Author Aimee Byrd rethinks the “Biblical Manhood and Womanhood” movement.
A Christian Case for Reading Godless Books
Novels like "Girl, Woman, Other" offer something precious: passports to the worlds of unbelievers.
How Christian Colleges Have Been Revising Student Handbooks Since Obergefell
Schools wrestle with best ways to serve LGBT students, stay true to traditional teachings.
My Same-Sex Attraction Has an Answer
But it’s the answer God gives all of us.
Christianity’s Influence on World History Is Real but Easily Overstated
Did the teachings of Jesus launch a sweeping revolution in human consciousness? Maybe, but we need better evidence.
Singles Myth: The Intimacy Challenge
The importance of community and intimate relationships.
What If I’m Not the ‘Submissive’ Type?
I used to be repulsed by Ephesians 5. Then I learned to see Paul’s instructions through a gospel lens.
Polyamory: Pastors’ Next Sexual Frontier
These once-taboo relationships are showing up in churches across the US.
Young Life Voted Off Campus at Duke
While the college ministry continues to operate without recognition, another university officially objects to its sexuality policy.
In the Face of Sexual Temptation, Repression Is a Sure-Fire Failure
How do we solve the problem of desire? Christian asceticism offers an alternative way.
Celebrate Sexual Ethics. Don’t Apologize for Them.
We can take pride and joy in the historic, biblical view of human sexuality.
PCA Sides With the Nashville Statement Over Revoice’s Approach
Evangelicals in favor of traditional marriage debate the place of LGBT identity in the church.
The Rise of Conversational Churches
Why a growing number of congregations are taking deliberate steps to relearn the habit of talking together.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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