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Tim Keller nos ensinou como viver e como morrer
Veja os 6 hinos que o pastor de Nova York escolheu para seu culto memorial.
The 6 Hymns Tim Keller Picked for His Memorial Service
The late pastor taught us how to live—and die.
Jesus Met Me on the Morning of My Funeral
I was dressed for burial when he gave me a mission to proclaim his name.
Died: Carmel Jones, Black Banker for British Pentecostals
With a vision of Jesus, he started a credit union that enabled dozens of churches to buy buildings.
Died: Stuart Epperson, Who Put Preachers and Political Talk on the Nation’s Radio Waves
The cofounder of Salem Media Group built an “empire of influence” broadcasting religious and political conservatives.
The Young Christian Who Took Johnson & Johnson to Court
Hanna Wilt testified to God’s presence in a terminal diagnosis while pursuing a case against the pharmaceutical giant over its baby powder.
The Slow WorkEpisode 12|45min
Intricate Melodies, Infinite Grace with John Patitucci
Bassist John Patitucci retraces his life through faith and Fenders.
Died: ‘The Hiding Place’ and ‘The Cross and the Switchblade’ Coauthor Elizabeth Sherrill
“She knew how to tell a story with power.”
Morre Paul Eshleman, que levou o filme ‘Jesus’ até os confins da terra
O estrategista de evangelismo da Cru queria que todos no mundo ouvissem as boas novas de que Deus os amava.
Décès de Paul Eshleman, porteur jusqu’au bout du monde du film Jésus
L’évangéliste et stratège de Campus Crusade voulait que chaque personne dans le monde entende la bonne nouvelle que Dieu l’aime.
Wafat: Paul Eshleman, yang Membawa Film ‘Yesus’ sampai ke Ujung-ujung Bumi
Ahli strategi penginjilan Campus Crusade ingin semua orang di dunia mendengar kabar baik bahwa Tuhan mengasihi mereka.
Falleció Paul Eshleman, quien llevó la película ‘Jesús’ hasta los confines de la tierra
El estratega de evangelización de Campus Crusade (Cru) quería que todo el mundo escuchara las buenas nuevas del amor de Dios.
Died: Paul Eshleman, Who Brought ‘Jesus’ Film to the Ends of the Earth
The Campus Crusade evangelism strategist wanted everyone in the world to hear the good news that God loved them.
Скончался Пол Эшлеман, донесший фильм «Иисус» до края земли
Он составлял для Campus Crusade стратегические планы евангелизации и хотел, чтобы все люди в мире услышали Благую весть о том, что Бог любит их.
Помер Пол Ешлеман, який доніс фільм «Ісус» аж до краю землі
Він складав для Campus Crusade стратегічні плани євангелізації й хотів, щоб усі люди у світі почули Добру звістку про те, що Бог любить їх.
Umat Kristen di Nepal Tidak Dapat Memakamkan Jenazah Orang Kristen
Kisah perjuangan kaum Injili di Lembah Kathmandu untuk mendapatkan pemakaman dan menghindari kremasi.
Our Loved Ones Don’t Become Angels When They Die
Despite what Chinese religions and pop culture might suggest, they stay human—and that’s a good thing.
追悼:ティム・ケラー牧師 ニューヨークシティで魅力的な証しの模範を示す
Wafat: Tim Keller, Pendeta New York City
“Dalam diri kita sendiri, kita sebenarnya lebih berdosa dan bersalah daripada yang kita bayangkan, namun pada saat yang sama, dalam Yesus Kristus, kita lebih dikasihi dan diterima daripada yang kita harapkan.”

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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