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Cuando el español deja de ser la ‘lengua del corazón’ de los hispanos de EE. UU.
Al ministrar a los hispanos nacidos en EE. UU., pastores y líderes afirman que la prioridad de la iglesia debe ser la formación espiritual sobre el aprendizaje del idioma.
The Rise of the Pentecostal Fusionists
They’re uniting Spirit-led worship with the riches of historic church tradition, says a leading charismatic bishop.
How Latino Churches Transform Communities
A virtual roundtable on the faith, generosity, and innovation of Hispanic congregations in America.
Patrocinado por NHCLC
Cinco grandes verdades que todo líder de la iglesia hispana en Estados Unidos debe considerar
No creas la mentira de que tu congregación no puede hacer grandes cosas para Dios.
El tiroteo en la escuela de Uvalde me dirige a Mateo 18
Jesús dio instrucciones específicas sobre el cuidado de los «más pequeños». La tragedia que tuvo lugar en Texas indica que la iglesia ha fallado.
Los pastores de Uvalde están en duelo por las pérdidas
Un líder bautista hispano se centra en atender a su familia tras la muerte de su bisnieta en el tiroteo.
The Uvalde School Shooting Sends Me to Matthew 18
Jesus gave specific instructions on caring for the “little ones.” The Texas tragedy suggests the church has gravely fallen short.
Uvalde Pastors Mourn Losses Close to Home
A Hispanic Baptist leader focuses on ministering to his family after his great-granddaughter dies in the school shooting.
¿Deberían los cristianos participar en las celebraciones del Día de los Muertos?
La celebración mexicana está más presente que nunca. Tres evangélicos que han vivido de cerca el Día de los Muertos opinan.
Should Christians Participate in the Day of the Dead?
The Mexican holiday is more prominent than ever. Three evangelicals who’ve seen Día de los Muertos up close weigh in.
Where Ya From?Episode 3|1 hr 8min
‘Finding Home’ with Rich Pérez
We can learn a lot about ourselves even through other people’s experiences. Rich Pérez shares his “layers” and what makes him, him.
Layla de la Garza, cantante de música cristiana, habla acerca del poder de la «teología cantada»
A pesar de los estereotipos, podemos demostrar que la alabanza moderna puede mantenerse fiel a la autoridad de las Escrituras y a la verdad del Evangelio.
Mexican Worship Leader Layla de la Garza on the Power of ‘Sung Theology’
Despite the lingering stereotypes, the Monterrey-based singer and minister set out to prove contemporary worship services can hold to the authority of Scripture.
Black Church Group Offers Its Best Shot at Closing Vaccine Gap
To reach the most vulnerable, leaders say vaccine sites have to set up in hard-hit neighborhoods and let churches spread the word.
Our March Issue: When Church Is Not ‘Home’
In praise of uncomfortable worship.
Research: Racial Minorities Were More Likely to Contract COVID-19 at Churches
Cell phone location data indicated religious gatherings appeared to be a top transmission spot when the pandemic took off.
Conozca a las personas que ministran a los inmigrantes que trabajan en el campo de los Estados Unidos
Cómo los pastores, productores y activistas en ambas costas están cuidando a los trabajadores agrícolas que producen nuestros alimentos.
Meet the People Who Minister in America’s Food Chain
How pastors, farmers, and activists on both coasts are caring for migrant farm workers.
Pastors Launch Church-Planting Network for ‘Black and Brown Neighborhoods’
A new initiative led by Thabiti Anyabwile aims to support leaders serving in distressed urban areas.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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