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A Tale of Two Brothers
Like many siblings, John and Charles Wesley often clashed— and the Methodist movement profited.
O Come and Dwell in Me
John and Charles disagreed on the measure of holiness a Christian might expect on earth, but both longed for it. From Christian Perfection (Sermon 40)
The 10 Best Books of 2000
The editor of Books & Culture magazine shares his top picks of the year
Two Views on Perfection
John and Charles disagreed on the measure of holiness a Christian might expect on earth, but both longed for it. From Christian Perfection (Sermon 40)
Top Ten Religion Stories 2000
Events from the past year that will impact the years to come
Wesleys in America: What Went Wrong?
What went wrong?
Be Ye Perfect?
The evolution of John Wesley's most contentious doctrine.
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
| Like Paul, Galileo believed that God made himself known through creation
Family Ghost?
John Wesley's parents, especially his mother, profoundly influenced his character and career.
The Wesleys: Christian History Interview - Weeds in the Garden
The Methodist pursuit of holiness has, over 200 years, branched off in some startling directions. A conversation with Tom Oden.
Nigerian State Rejects Islamic Law
Government commission says residents don't want shari'a in Gombe
The Wesleys: A Gallery - The Leadership Team
These early converts supported, strengthened, and spread the Methodist movement—whether John Wesley agreed with them or not.
St. Peter's Final Resting Place Now Off Limits
Changing abortion wars, black pastors switch sides, and other stories from mainstream media sources around the world
Attack of the Bible-Moths
From the way Oxford scorned the Holy Club, you would think the Wesleys had created a monster.
Start the Presses
No Protestant leader in the eighteenth century made better use of print media than John Wesley.
Win-Win-Win Referrals
Pope Reportedly Said Clinton Was Not Listening to Me
Jews lose Yale lawsuit, crime against churches is reportedly on the rise, and other stories from around the world
Like Mother, Like Son
John Wesley's parents, especially his mother, profoundly influenced his character and career.
Post-election Violence Rocks the Ivory Coast
Religious tensions compound chaotic presidential and parliamentary elections

Top Story June 14, 2024

PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
The author of the bestseller died last year. The investigation will determine if the book is appropriate for Christians.

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