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Meet the Pro-Life Activist Who Narrowly Escaped Being Aborted Herself
How Claire Culwell’s life changed when she discovered the shocking truth about her biological mother.
Adopting HopeEpisode 16|36min
Bonus Episode: A Single Woman’s Adoption Story
How a pediatrician longing for motherhood found a family in more ways than one.
Adopting HopeEpisode 15|42min
Special Episode: One Adult Adoptee’s Story
This week's guest shares his adoption story and the mission behind a new community for adult adoptees.
Christian Singles Aren’t Waiting for Marriage to Become Parents
As more unmarried women and men foster and adopt, how can the church provide what some nontraditional families cannot?
Our April Issue: Single Parenting by Choice
CT’s single-parent adoption pioneer shares her story.
Adopting HopeEpisode 14|1 hr 4min
Sorrow, Surrender, and Secret Riches
God brought the nations into the home of a couple who longed to be overseas missionaries.
Adopting HopeEpisode 13|49min
Empathy and Ethnicity
How God prepared Joyce and Timothy Dalrymple to adopt their daughter from China.
Bethany Christian Will Allow LGBT Parents to Foster and Adopt
The largest Christian adoption agency is now calling on “Christians with diverse beliefs” as it aims to serve more children under a new inclusion policy.
Adopting HopeEpisode 12|45min
Choosing Generosity in Adoption
How Cathy and Daryl Heald’s biological children led them to care for orphans.
Adopting HopeEpisode 11|40min
From Fear to Flourishing in Adoptive Care
Initially reluctant, a sense of calling led Jami Kaeb to adoption and advocacy through The Forgotten Initiative.
Adopting HopeEpisode 10|43min
Adopting Hope: Broken Together
Adopting Hope co-host Sasha Parker shares how God took her from being a mother of four biological children to a mother of nine, five of whom are adopted.
Adopting HopeEpisode 9|50min
Sasha Parker Pt. 1: A Homegrown Heart
Now a mother of nine, Adopting Hope co-host Sasha Parker describes how growing up with both biological and adopted siblings prepared her for her own calling.
Adopting HopeEpisode 8|42min
Lisa Tchividjian and Charlee Tchividjian-Sherry: Child and Parent Alike
A mother and daughter share their stories of caring for foster children and ministering to birth mothers.
Adopting HopeEpisode 7|47min
Russell Moore: From Hesitancy to Wholeheartedness
How surrendering our identities to God helps our children do the same.
Adopting HopeEpisode 6|49min
Fran Atchison: Adoption in an Unjust World
Working in social services revealed the urgency of adoption and foster care.
Adopting HopeEpisode 5|41min
Sara Jones: God’s Plans for Your Children May Surprise You
One family’s unexpected journey from international adoption to caring for a child with special needs.
Adopting HopeEpisode 4|47min
Podcast: Jodi Jackson Tucker
How a struggle with infertility led from exploring adoption to leading the Orphan Care Alliance.
Hungary Amends Constitution with Traditional Definition of Family
The legal changes explicitly promote “Christian culture” while barring LGBT adoptions.
Adopting HopeEpisode 3|46min
Andy and Martha Cook
How God stoked a desire in one family to bring hurting children into their home.
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Top Story April 26, 2024

After Schism, United Methodists Vote to Restructure Denomination
After Schism, United Methodists Vote to Restructure Denomination
The plan would organize UMC churches in four global regions, with each given more leeway around same-sex marriage and other theological issues.

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