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Changing Minds Is Not Our Job
We cannot control our people, and attempting to do so will only do damage.
Our Quest for Control Has Gotten Out of Control
More and more, it’s causing broken relationships, burnout, and anxiety. But that doesn’t mean we’re called to “let go and let God.”
Viral JesusEpisode 39|38min
Everyone’s Exhausted
Life online, with its posturing, comparisons, and endless distractions, is burning us out. But there’s relief in sight.
Para colocarmos a armadura de Deus, precisamos primeiro tirar a nossa
Teresa de Lisieux nos ensina a ter uma fé como a de uma criança e a parar de esconder nossas vulnerabilidades.
Viral JesusEpisode 37|38min
Maryanne J. George: Still Talking to Jesus
The Maverick City singer on her family’s legacy of faith, living with anxiety, and how the pandemic helped make “Old Church Basement” go viral.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 21|42min
Scott Sauls Gets Real About Depression and Anxiety
How Christians can understand our inner critic in light of the gospel.
To Put on the Armor of God, We Have to Take Off the ‘Armor of Me’
Thérèse of Lisieux teaches us to have childlike faith and stop protecting our vulnerabilities.
Les applications chrétiennes passent de « Priez plus » à « Calmez-vous »
De nouvelles ressources en lien avec la pleine conscience cherchent à aider les croyants à trouver du repos en Dieu.
Fearing God Means Living with the Grain of Reality
Michael Horton looks to restore the first principle of wisdom to its rightful place.
It Takes a Campus: Pandemic Expands Mental Health Resources at Christian Colleges
Counselors, students, chaplains, and professors alike are doing their part to help.
You Can’t Slay the Giant Anxiety with Mere Willpower
Ignore the exhortations to just “Stop it,” and lean on God’s unshakeable promises.
Combattre l’anxiété avec l’Ancien Testament
Ces antiques écrits sont une étonnante source de soutien dans nos luttes contre le stress.
Estudio: Quienes leen la Biblia regularmente experimentaron más estrés en 2020, pero también más esperanza
En tiempos de prueba, las Escrituras fortalecen y animan.
Le coronavirus a fait des ravages. Mais la Bible redonne l’espoir.
Une récente étude montre une corrélation entre la lecture des Écritures et les critères établis par Harvard en matière d’épanouissement humain.
Penelitian: Pemahaman Alkitab yang Membahas tentang Trauma Mengurangi Depresi, Kecemasan, dan Kemarahan
Penelitian di penjara Virginia dapat membantu gereja mengatasi dampak emosional dari pandemi.
Study: Regular Bible Readers Experienced More Stress in 2020, But Also More Hope
In times of trials, Scripture strengthened and encouraged.
How COVID-19 Reshaped Campus Ministry
As students report high levels of anxiety and isolation in a new InterVarsity survey, ministry leaders look to small groups to provide community for Gen Z.
Study: Trauma-Informed Bible Reading Reduces Depression, Anxiety, Anger
Research in Virginia jail could help churches deal with emotional impact of the pandemic.

Top Story April 26, 2024

If This Ain’t Country, Expand Your Canon
If This Ain’t Country, Expand Your Canon
Beyoncé’s right. Whether listening to Cowboy Carter or reading theology, diversity is a good thing.

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