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Quick To ListenEpisode 290|1 hr 5min
The Case for Hope in a Year of Despair
How to move past Christian platitudes and flimsy one-liners to a robust faith in something greater than our present circumstances.
La dépression m’a plongée dans les ténèbres. Dieu y est venu à ma rencontre.
Je ne pouvais plus lire les Écritures, mais la Parole de Dieu me nourrissait toujours.
Au secours ! J’ai arrêté de me préoccuper de Dieu.
Pourquoi les chrétiens glissent dans l’apathie spirituelle, et comment en sortir ?
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 21|42min
Scott Sauls Gets Real About Depression and Anxiety
How Christians can understand our inner critic in light of the gospel.
¡Ayuda! Siento que Dios ya no me importa
Por qué los cristianos caen en la apatía espiritual (y cómo pueden salir de ella).
"Socorro! Minha fé esfriou."
Por que os cristãos caem na apatia espiritual e como podem se recuperar dela
Help! I’ve Stopped Caring About God.
Why Christians slide into spiritual apathy, and how they can recover.
Los pastores no están bien: el 38 % ha considerado dejar el ministerio
A medida que avanza la pandemia, el agotamiento continúa pasando factura a los líderes de la iglesia.
It Takes a Campus: Pandemic Expands Mental Health Resources at Christian Colleges
Counselors, students, chaplains, and professors alike are doing their part to help.
The Pastors Aren’t All Right: 38% Consider Leaving Ministry
As the pandemic has gone on, burnout continues to take its toll on church leaders.
Dengan Meningkatnya Kasus Bunuh Diri pada Remaja, Gereja Seharusnya Tidak Memberikan Pesan-pesan yang Campur Aduk Mengenai Kesehatan Mental
Betapa pelayanan dapat berperan dalam memberikan dukungan yang dibutuhkan oleh kaum muda.
You Can’t Slay the Giant Anxiety with Mere Willpower
Ignore the exhortations to just “Stop it,” and lean on God’s unshakeable promises.
Não espere pela esperança. Trabalhe por ela.
Mesmo durante uma pandemia, temos o dever de antever a bondade de Deus.
3 Things Preventing Your Church Members from Accessing Mental Health Care
One in five adults struggle with mental illness—but the majority aren’t receiving treatment. Why?
How a Better Samaritan Uses Social Media for Good, Not Evil

Top Story April 28, 2024

India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
The government plans to close its porous border with Myanmar to boost security, separating ethnic groups that straddle the boundary.

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