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Bonhoeffer's Costly Theology
His controversial yet Christ-centered beliefs were formed not only in the classrooms of Tübingen, but also in the cells of Tegel Prison.
What Did Spurgeon Believe?
He insisted on thinking through his theology for himself—and often found himself out of step with his age.
325 The First Council of Nicaea
At stake in the church's first general council was the simplest, yet most profound, question: Who is Jesus Christ?
The Council of Chalcedon
If Jesus was truly God, how could he be truly human as well? Leo the Great helped guide a critical council to a clear answer.
1272 Thomas Aquinas Concludes His Word on Summa Theologiae
The massive treatise set forth a theological system so influential it has been declared eternally valid.
1545 The Council of Trent Begins
Responding to the Reformation, the council charted the Catholic church's course for the next 400 years.
Controversial Constantine
The famous emperor ended the persecution of Christians. But was he a true believer, or merely a superstitious political opportunist?
The Three Rs of Moody's Theology
Three great Bible truths were central to all of Moody's preaching.
An Ancient and Undying Light
The Waldensians from the 12th Century to the Protestant Reformation
Journey to Wittenberg
In late November 1525, Schwenckfeld traveled almost 100 miles on horseback from Liegnitz to Wittenberg the fountainhead of the reform movement, and met with Martin Luther and some of his Wittenberg colleagues.
What is Eastern Orthodoxy Anyway?
It's being much-mentioned and much-lauded during all the millennial celebrations, but what, really, is this Christian faith that's so unfamiliar to most Western Protestants? Here's an introduction.
One of the Best Teachers of the Church: Augustine on Teachers and Teaching
Augustine on Teachers and Teaching
From the Archives: Selections from Confessions of Faith
Selections From Confession of Faith which all the citizens and inhabitants of Geneva and the subjects of the country must promise to keep and hold. (1536)
Pastor of Geneva
It Was Both A Horrible Decree and Very Sweet Fruit
Calvin on Predestination

Top Story May 21, 2024

The Loosening of American Evangelicalism
The Loosening of American Evangelicalism
Long-standing norms against drinking, tattoos, and Catholic-coded church practices have rapidly fallen. What’s going on?

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