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Christian Conservationists Sue to Protect Ghana Forest
Bauxite mining would threaten birds, plants, and clean water.
Bee My Valentine: A Saint’s Guide to Creation Care
Like Valentine, patron saint of beekeeping, Christians have a duty to love and learn from the earth God made.
Changing the Conversation on Climate Change
Q&A with evangelical organizer Tori Goebel on the difference 10 years makes and how a rising generation of Christians is looking for “avenues for action.”
Une forêt enfouie : comment un missionnaire australien redonne vie au Sahel africain
Le « faiseur de forêts » dont ont parlé de nombreux médias autour de la COP27 poursuit un projet où « tout ce qui est nécessaire, Dieu l’a déjà fourni ».
CT’s Stories of 2022 That You May Have Missed
From AI preachers to social media features, here are some stories that flew under the radar this last year.
《启示录》想传递好消息, 而不是向人们报末世的计划
《啟示錄》想傳遞好消息, 而不是向人們報末世的計畫
Wiser than Solomon: Can Evangelicals Lead the Middle East Toward Creation Care?
As Egypt hosts COP27, a few pioneering believers struggle to transform the region most at risk of climate change yet demonstrating the least concern.
The Forest Underground: How an Australian Missionary Regrew the African Sahel
Evangelical farmer takes his technique from Niger to COP27 in Egypt, pitching a project in which “everything needed, God has already provided.”
Evangelical Creation Care Expert Shares Lessons Learned from Global Tour
Around the world, Christians look to scriptural lessons on stewardship to depoliticize environmental issues.
Environmental Train Wreck: Houston’s Black Churches Fight Pollutants
Leaders and activists petition to hold a railway company to account for decades of carcinogen use.
Beyond Bolsonaro and Lula: How Brazil’s Evangelicals Should Vote
Five Christian leaders weigh the factors they hope are guiding the church as it prepares for the October presidential election.
Should the Environment Be an Important Issue for Christians?
Question 7 of Christianity Today’s roundtable on the Brazil 2022 election.
O voto cristão e a questão ambiental
7ª pergunta da entrevista da Christianity Today sobre as eleições brasileiras de 2022.
What We Sing as Creation Cries Out
The Porter’s Gate offers an album of “Climate Vigil Songs.”
Evangelical Report: Creation Care Is an Act of Worship, Hospitality
The National Association of Evangelicals focuses on the impact of the changing environment.
Revelation Is Good News for Today, not a Game Plan for the Future
For a clearer picture of this mysterious book, try trading a prediction lens for a missional lens.
With an Eye to Mission and Money, More Evangelical Universities Go Green
New financing mechanisms reduce the cost of reducing emissions.
Could the Climate Crisis Make Religion Even Crazier?
Extreme weather changes can prompt people to seek out extreme solutions and saviors.

Top Story April 29, 2024

Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Do activists often invest their work with religious significance? All the more reason for Christians to be discerning co-laborers.

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