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Salman Rushdie Is the Canary in a Free Speech Coal Mine
But the liberty at stake is moral and spiritual, not just intellectual.
¿En verdad todo sucede por una razón?
Cuando tuve cáncer y bien pude haberme sentido abandonada por Dios, experimenté lo que San Agustín llamó «la dulzura».
Forças espirituais estão por trás das guerras deste mundo
Os “anjos das nações” descritos nas Escrituras nos lembram que o mal cósmico molda a política da guerra terrena. Oremos segundo essa verdade.
《聖經》中描述的“萬國的天使”提醒我們,宇宙中的邪惡勢力會影響地上戰爭的運作。 因此我們更需要迫切地禱告。
《圣经》中描述的“万国的天使”提醒我们,宇宙中的邪恶势力会影响地上战争的运作。 因此我们更需要迫切地祷告。
Las fuerzas del mal configuran la guerra en nuestro mundo
Los «ángeles de las naciones» descritos en las Escrituras nos recuerdan que hay una realidad espiritual detrás de todo conflicto. Oremos en consecuencia.
현재 지구촌의 어둠
성경이 묘사하는 “열국의 영들(angers of nations)”은 우주적 악이라는 실체가 이 땅에서 일어나는 전쟁의 정치학 배후에 있음을 알려준다. 이에 대응하는 기도를 드리자.
This Present Global Darkness
The “angels of nations” described in Scripture remind us that cosmic evil shapes the politics of earthly warfare. Let's pray accordingly.
Christ Came to Disarm Rebellious Sinners, But Not to Disempower Them
A meditation on the line between good and evil that runs through each person.
Have Christians Forgotten How to Fight with God?
The Lord wants our protest. But it seems some of us have neglected the ancient art of lamenting evil.
Why Bad Things Happen to People, According to 6,500 Americans
On the problem of evil, Pew’s pandemic philosophy survey finds few blame God or doubt God’s omnipotence, goodness, or existence.
Christian Science Gave Me the ‘Principle’ of Christ, but Never Christ Himself
My journey from a religion of self-salvation to a faith that takes sin seriously.
Is The Coronavirus Evidence of a Creation in Freefall?
How does theology explain a pandemic? Basic biology, human sin, or the Devil?
A True Religion Does Three Things and Answers Four Questions
John Stackhouse offers a checklist for sincere spiritual searchers.
Confessing Complicity in Systemic Sin
Why do I repent if it’s not my fault?
Tornados Put Our Faith to the Test
How American Christians have pondered the mysteries of violent weather.
Much Ado About Nothing
When the biological appears diabolical.
Is the Coronavirus Evil?
Or is this part of life in the world God made?
When Following God into Dark Places Reveals the Darkness in Your Own Heart
How shepherding others through messy situations brings our own sin and insufficiency to the surface.
Fleming Rutledge: Advent Begins Where Human Potential Ends
This season invites us to turn our face toward the future of God, not man.

Top Story April 26, 2024

After Schism, United Methodists Vote to Restructure Denomination
After Schism, United Methodists Vote to Restructure Denomination
The plan would organize UMC churches in four global regions, with each given more leeway around same-sex marriage and other theological issues.

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